wound up kind of burnt and tired from some Mental Health Rattling Stuff that happened today so I laid down for a nap at like 1:30 am and have pretty much resolved to just. get some good sleep
please bear with me today, friends, it might take me a while to get to tagging in earnest. I'm Not Doing Well, in terms of mental health and irl fires I have to put out, and I'm in "everything I write or say is wrong!" sort of brain space
OKAY. Been a couple days, got waylaid by joint pain that made typing difficult. Still hurts, buuuuuut.............I wanna tag at least a few things, with more tomorrow.
Okay let's see what I can manage before my body decides that two hours of sleep was Not Enough last night and that I have been running myself for too long /cracks knuckles
I need seven more tags for Kronid (that will change a little if I can hit minimums for any of these that are at one or two tags) and eight for Alfred (see above, none of his are at three yet)
and writing a TDMfollowed by
38 - Scratch > Alan in inbox