Corpse Sniffer
of course since thats not nough im not sure who th fuck was making all th fun knocking and really loud scraping and banging noises but they stop. only for dickheead mcgee outside now find that right now is the perfect time to start like stump grinding for 3 hours \
Corpse Sniffer
i havent ven slept lik i wanted to and its alrady 1pm. i dont know how longr this fucking jackass is going to b DOING THIS outsid my window, im tired and hungry and i havnt done antyhing at all
Corpse Sniffer
i shoudl come on plurk to just compl;ain but im too angry and tired right now to care idk.
Corpse Sniffer
is it fucking im[possbil to hav some goddamn peac and quiet whn im alrady feeeling bad. and jmy fucking keyboard still wont work b/c why would anything in my life do that
Corpse Sniffer
im gonna. idk try to sleep or something, maybe in 5 hours wheen they decide afternoon right outside my window is no longer a good place to cut down an entire fucking forest or something
Oh no
That’s so rude