Wayward Haze
Good morning ... I'm fighting burnout AND a summer head cold now. I would like to swap out for a body double today, please.
I'll trade a burnout for the boreout of 8 more hours of known school topics, in the presence of hangover teenagers
i have a more appropriate meme saved to my laptop, but I'm on mobile rn so alas
Wayward Haze
BlueLias : Done deal, at least with something like that I can doodle
Wayward Haze
Wayward Haze
https://images.plurk.com/OaRcwtEJx9dam9RExfZHw.jpg omg look at this, I wanna do something like this once I build sheds
Emily ✟
Good morning
Wayward Haze
Hang in there. Thinking of you.
Wayward Haze
Thanks, bro.
Wayward Haze
INTERVIEW GET for an admin job!
congrats!! fingers crossed for you