vs so. my laptop has died. I'm still working on moving. and i have no idea when i will get a replacement while this is going.
Only a few more days to move though so there's that. Then I can just sit in a new place with a bunch of boxes because why unpack.
Anyway, the lack of laptop sucks big time since that's how I pay all my bills and I didn't finish setting up internet at the new place.
Tags will continue to be scarce until I figure out what I want to do about buying a new computer.
A cheap gaming laptop or just something to tag with is the question...
Kung Fu Chef
hope it improves soon
I have purchased a new laptop but because I'm picky it's in the mail to get here. Supposed to be here by Thursday.
Which would be great. If I had set up my internet at the new place already. (In my defense, the computer died the day I was looking into that and other new place things. Thank fuck I had to do the electricity before I even got my keys. Sheesh.)
Aaand I need to stop the old stuff too. For fuck's sake, I hate moving so much.
Was unhappy earlier because I couldn't find shit. I'm still missing a few things because they're not here. And just. I hate everything.
And now I'm laying in bed staring at ALL THE LIGHT SHINING IN. Jfc there's so much...
I am going to need to black ALL the windows, sheesh.
And walking up stairs. And carrying things.
And why the heck does the clothes dryer here sound like it's sloshing around water!? It's do weird lol.
I already hate my neighbor. I haven't met them (don't plan to) but I fucking hate dog owners who have dogs that bark all goddamn day when they're gone.
I don't hate dogs but I fucking hate them all the same because they suck when people own them.
This one hasn't shut up since its owner left this morning. I want to strangle it.
I know it's supposedly ~discriminatory~ these days to have places that restrict shit but fuck why can't placed that don't allow pets to exist?
Like just one fucking building is all I ask. Fuck everything. I already hate being here and now I have this. I hate living. Where's my fucking gun. Put me out of my misery.
I pulled into the parking lot and spotted UPS truck and was like "THAT'S GOTTA BE MY LAPTOP" so I practically drift into a parking spot and I'm watching the ups driver come back down the stares and
I'm waving like "hi hi that's mine!" and she sees me and I'm like "yes!" and I get out and sign for it and it's just. the. best. timing. Of all time.
I have cleaning of my old apartment to do and then I'm DONE. Take a fucking shower and set up my new laptop. I will have to find some internet for it so I can get internet set up and some other things. But. It's here. It's safe inside the apartment. And I am so close to done.
Moral of the story folks: don't wait till last minute to do shit.
And also...keep your computers up to date lol. God they have such bad timing to fail.
Of course. Because if it's not one thing it's another. I can now no longer log into my mail email because even though I provided the correct password, it's not from the same device so it's still trying to get me to verify.
Aka: there is no verification info so it's not working.
Fuck this. If I can remember my password let me SIGN IN.
I fucking hate modern society and requirements. It's so fucking stupid.
Fuck everyone and their two step verification process. Assholes.
Why are phone tags so time consuming? And hard to make? Otherwise, I'd be all over them. It really sucks that i have a 3 day weekend and no internet.
I'm gonna snag some tomorrow and set it up but guh who knows how long it'll actually have it of my own. Blargh.