索蘭琪的少女心事|Petite Solange
dir. Axelle Ropert 女性導演
movie 串流 giloo
Translation Corner #1 – Axelle Ropert – Lucky Star

Interview conducted by Fernando Ganzo, January 6th, Cahiers du Cinema issue 784

Translation by Jhon Hernandez. Thanks to Diego.
although the modern cinema that has brought this Pygmalion/young actress tandem to its pinnacle. The idea of controlling and shaping a young person like this is revolting.

It would be necessary to leave the field of moral virtue for that of aesthetics: if you need to hurt someone to achieve something, not only morally painful it is artistically limited.
In any case, as a female director, filming someone in the innocence of their gestures didn’t interest me at all. I was looking for a young actress who had the art of acting, not just a young girl to train.
… One of the writing challenges of the film was to narrate the cruelty of life, and not the cruelty of this or that character.

In that sense, it is very different from a book I’ve thought a lot about, What Maisie Knew by Henry James, as it is the inverse, the parents are terrible, but life is not.
I have a taste for humble things, but also for great collapses.

Petite Solange is the meeting of Orwell and Nietzsche, the soft pink version!
She waits in a café with 2 euros in her pocket, I made a storyboard as precise as if we were going to film a car crash with 50 cars and 200 extras.

Ten shots, ten stages, to be shot in 2 and a half hours. I loved doing that. Almost all the scenes of the film are animated by this stake on the mise en scène: to make the trivial heartbreaking.