uhhhh i fixed an ear problem i was having. talking about stuff that would make dr. pimple popper proud??
anyway i have had this growing cyst/pimple??? in my earlobe. i couldn't wear earrings it hurt. the one doc i saw wouldn't lance it and told me it would go away on its own
that was like a year ago and it only got bigger and it sucked and i would always touch it
anyway i got fed up this morning, found a sewing kit, disinfected it. the first few pokes into the beast didn't do anything. had some blood, little pain, but i kept adding more and put more pressure until FINALLY
i have never had so much pus come out of me before
it sounded weird too and it took like 10 minutes to drain it
but my ear is flat. i cleaned it and frankenstein'd a bandaid onto it
now i know i have the mental fortitude to stick a damn needle in my ear no fucking problem. jesus
i thought i had all of it. felt around over the bandaid and while my earlobe was 96% flat it felt squidgy in there so i got the rest out and NOW i feel better