Freyja 金
I am in a group chat with someone that I hate and hates me. This person had been so quiet since I joined. For a few days, I chose to step back a bit because of my mental condition, then I saw her and her close friend started domineering the convo. I still saw their names even if I muted the group, and I was annoyed.
Freyja 金
So, following my hypothesis, I chose to be petty and dove right back in even though I was just chiming in. The person and their bestie didn't reply to the chat again so far. (haha)
Freyja 金
I knew they were coming back because they thought I was gone. (haha)
Freyja 金
I'm just going to save this here for future reference
saya punya kasus yg mirip, lalu saya hapus nomor orgnya (cozy) samhaw jadi mendingan habis dihapus
Freyja 金
kittensate : Aku berada di group chat yang nggak peduli orang ini di kontakmu atau nggak, kamu tetep liat namanya (haha)
Aku pun di sana karena ada urusan penting. Sesungguhnya ingin tertawa soalnya orang ini beneran terkenal suka sksd gitu sama para strangers di group chat ini, tapi semenjak aku dimasukin, dia dan bestie-nya ngilang (haha)
Freyja 金 : saya juga gitu, tapi ya, habis dihapus kontaknya,.perasaan keselnya ilang dikit (yay) di mb tiysa ga ilang ya (cozy)
Freyja 金
kittensate : Tidak hilang soalnya dia masih muncul terkadang. Biasanya kalau aku muncul dia ngilang sih, so it's okay. (haha) Aku udah lama ngapus kontak dan ngeblokir dia jadi udah mentok