Just Lore
Izzy's cone is off again. Fingers toes and eyes crossed that this is for good!

CW pet health and mild bathroom related stuff.
chris 🧸
crossing all appropriate appendages for you and her!
Just Lore
Just Lore
She's still too nervous to leave the bedroom. Which just meant another accident on the bed
Just Lore
Thank goodness for waterproof mattress covers.
Just Lore
But at least the stool softeners are working? And she pooped without her insides popping out. That's still a win.
TheApostate ™
Move a litter box into the bedroom?
Just Lore
I'm trying to get her to come out of the bedroom. She doesn't need to stay in there.
Just Lore
Omg. She was meowing and meowing so I got worried and went to see what was going on.
Just Lore
https://images.plurk.com/2y0xT7iY7PZKLJrdXe3KfN.jpg these are her two favorite toys. She put them in the kitchen and was asking me to play.
Just Lore
aw, kitty must be doing better
ɴɪɢʜ (ᴀɢᴀɪɴ)
Wayward Haze
aaaaaaaaabout that.
Wayward Haze
Just Lore
Just Lore
It took 4 hours and a trip to the litter box for it to happen again.
Just Lore
Our regular vet can't do anything else. Now we have to go see a specialist and she'll likely have to have testing and a more invasive surgery. No idea on cost, yet.
Just Lore
I feel so bad for her and so helpless. Other than the prolapse, she's acting fine. She's playing, loving on us, eating... I hate to put her through more, but I know she'll bounce back. I just want her healthy!
TheApostate ™
Oh noooo D:
Vincent Gogh
Just Lore
I'm waiting on a call from the specialist, now. She's acting fine. I don't want to overly stress her out, so I'm letting her be without the cone for now. She needs a break.
TheApostate ™
Izzy's body whyyyyyy
Emily ✟
Oh poor sweet, precious furbaby.
papermint tiger
oh nooooo