Jack Raid
Who would win in a fight? Silver Age Superman or Kirby?
depends if Kirby is able to swallow Superman
I'm not familiar with Silver Age Superman so I gotta go with Kirby
Kirby because Kirby is a horrortwrror
because then Kirby has abilites of both
if Kirby swallows kryptonite do they become Kryptonite Kirby or just Rock Kirby
what we see in Smash; kryptonite Kirby
Jack Raid
timeywimey : Kirby doesn’t always get the full abilities of people he swallows. Sometimes he just gets one of them
yup and it can be any of them
I feel like Silver Age Supes is probably the aggressor here, if only by misundertanding, so by narrative rules Kirby wins
^ yeah loke I don’t know much of anything about Superman but I think Kirby could win in a fight but then it’s turn out to be a misunderstanding and they’d become friends
does a quick google and remembers the insanity of silver age
If it were modern Supes I'd say they'd be friends, I'm less sure about Silver Age Supes specifically
shit got WEIRD
Oh is he not, like, a Wholesome Good Lad in silver age? I assumed that was a constant but again I know very little
I DO however onow a fuckton about Kirby and he rarely picks fights and also generally either makes friends with his aggressor in the end or else totally wipes them off the map, with very little in between. So like. You’d better hope you make friends with him, Supes
Becca Stareyes
I feel like a lot of Silver Age stuff just occasionally has weird ethical lines, despite trying for clear morality. (I'm a Marvel reader, though, not a DC one; I mostly know Silver Age Supes from people clipping the weirdest bits.)
The BeYond
I mean there's also the whole Superdickery phenomenon, where Superman acts like a raging asshole just for shock value to sell comics where the entire point of reading them is "What, why is Superman acting like this?"
Becca Stareyes
Yeah, I was considering that with the weird bits, since there's usually some reason in context, but it has become a trope on its own.
superman flying to a "long-dead galaxy" in an instant so that he can sneeze... a sneeze that utterly annihilates said-galaxy...
Me: ...okay thats bullshit, right?
(it's a helmet)
there's a jack kirby joke around here but honestly the important thing is that superman is kind of "king dedede" here

kirby would beat his butt but then they'd find out the real problem and destroy it together