dragon time
[spoilers for both] ultimate showdown, could the Baudelaire siblings solve the mystery of Umineko
dragon time
Big spoiler out of the way, a critical element of mystery depends on someone's knowledge of how many Beatrices there are and post series Baudelaires have that on lock
dragon time
If they get sent to the island pre-village because Kinzo's first wife is a distant relation then that's another kettle of fish but also then they have more freedom to move about
dragon time
Klaus can solve the shit out of that epitaph, a word here which means a riddle set by a man who has come into the illicit possession of a great deal of gold and explosives and has chosen to pass the control thereof into someone who is well-read but not necessarily possessed of common sense
dragon time
I think they would have a good chance at solving murders but a terrible time convincing anyone else to listen to them about it
Honestly, I think their main advantage would be the fact that they're a trio of genuinely good-hearted kids who've been through a lot of tragic things but aren't really tied into the whole Ushiromiya family toxic mess.
In other words, they're pretty well-suited to talk to Sayo and actually relate to her on an honest and open level, in a way that most of the people canonically on the island really can't.
wolfgirl winter
I didn’t even consider the Beatrice’s
wolfgirl winter
honestly it might be the only stroke of luck the baudelaires would ever have, they would say Beatrice is a beautiful name and earn her favor