[rl] so hung out with some work friends and still don't feel good that my administration wants to put me in math
like I'm cool with the other teacher but she didn't look so enthuse to be working with me so I'm trying to be like "hey maybe the vibes will change later on" but gosh it's hard not to feel like it won't
then to hear "i have a theory but i'm not too sure about it so i'll be quiet for now..." ugh which just makes my mind work overtime!
i finally find someone who likes working with me just for my principal to take them away :-(
me: I'm freaking out about teaching math when it's a subject I never liked
my mom: well as long as they're paying you i say stick with it while you look for another job then watch everything burn
my mom is in her watch everything burn phase after they gave her four different things to do
still i don't want to work with someone who doesn't want to work with me...again..
it's kind of the reason i've been quiet because since i got told they want to put me in math my anxiety has been through the roof and I've been trying to calm down