My Knee
Onna plane to Denver and I had a white wine about 11 am because fuck you I deal with turbulence nerves how I want
My Knee
Fairly smooth thus far though
Haunted Boobs
Enjoy the rocky mountain high!
My Knee
I am a little nervous about running at altitude ahaha
Haunted Boobs
OH MAN YEAH, I have seen it suggested multiple times to divide a high altitude run into 'walk, jog, run' segments to go easier on the body.
Haunted Boobs
(I moved from sea level to the same altitude as Denver)
I am small and weak and cannot carry you if you flake out while running, but I'll get a wheelbarrow
My Knee
hop in me wheelbarrow ya cheeky vixen
My Knee
awww yisss wheelbarrow rides a la gg
My Knee
man, flying from ewr worked out for me for once, my friend who is also flying in who lives in westchester is coming from lga and she got mega delayed
𝚢𝚘𝚞𝚛 𝚘𝚕𝚍 𝚙𝚊𝚕
this is the only civilized way to fly, lbr
My Knee
why i otter
yes be careful altitude running <3 take it really slow
that is a 100% legit decision, denver turbulence is ROUGH
I got sick from an anxiety attack after landing there this fall (sort-of in front of a potential new colleague LOL) and YOU GOTTA DO WHAT YOU GOTTA DO to keep ur lunch
or breakfast
My Knee
Aquifoliaceae : the wine was well before Denver so May have worn off, but it actually wasn't too bad on the final descent!