"As you venture forth into the world of D&D NYC apartment hunting, beware the deceptive beauty of the Green Hag, the paralyzing terror of the Sea Hag, and the insidious nightmares wrought by the Night Hag."
I mean, say what you will, I found the Night Hag to be a very courteous downstairs neighbor. Sure, the nightmares weren't great, but she never made loud noises after 3 PM and always paid the rent on time.
"I had some questions about the three Hags in 3B, what with the constant influx of people showing up to trade off years of their lives for unmentionable gifts, but the soap they sell on Etsy really did make me forget my worldly cares, and I feel safer knowing they know all that transpires in the building. Haven't had a package stolen since they moved in."
anyway one of my favorite things so far is a mysterious accordion door made of cheap metal that we found in one of the apartments that turned out to be the bathroom door????
no other door in the house looks like it, or functions like it. I would never have guessed in a million years it was a bathroom if it weren't for it being slightly visible in a picture of the bathroom itself
another favorite is the opposite of minimalist- terrifying striped patterns both horizontal and vertical in different colors for every available kitchen surface. all different patterns.
: oh god one: didn't realize it was floating. two: I was so distracted by the accordion door I didn't even think about where it could lead
/suspicious squint at why the closet is raised above the baseboards like they just cut a hole in the wall and decided this was fine... and if you can get that custom skinny closet door, why can't you get a custom narrow bathroom door instead of... installing an accordion......
(i have accordions in both entryways of my railroad kitchen, to contain cooking vapors and heat, but we don't treat them as. real doors........ i very much question whoever did this room lol)
so you thought THIS step up in the closet was bad? why not try this house that Alex and I saw today, which has a FULL FOOT of space between the bottom of the door and the floor. this door leads to the backyard but good luck not destroying your ankles!!!
D&DNYC apartment hunting, beware the deceptive beauty of the Green Hag, the paralyzing terror of the Sea Hag, and the insidious nightmares wrought by the Night Hag."unless, under the right circumstances, you can get it to look like mermaid scales
Of course, it works better when I, myself, pick the right company name the first time...
That actually should have been Missoni, not Mossimo, screw those guys for having such similar names