No fortune found, nor fate divine come close to topping the juice of the vine. With cherry crew, we sip and sway let’s tip the tankard and waste the day
Reeraw! Well ye ken, our toils can wait for a time. We saw the folly of men who rather than revel repine
No castle high, or dungeon deep, holds treasure enough, from drink us keep, we’ll drain the Flagon, and raise the cup and fill it again, till we’ve had our sup
Reeraw! Well ye ken, our toils can wait for a time. We saw the folly of men who rather than revel repine. No wizard red, or sorcerer true, could ever make for us a finer brew. We'll sing to the gods of the flowing bowl and in the small hours to bed we will roll
Reeraw! Well ye ken, our toils can wait for a time. We saw the folly of men who rather than revel repine. Reeraw! Well ye ken, our toils can wait for a time. We saw the folly of men who rather than revel repine
Book of the Bard (Music Inspired by Dungeons & Dragons: Honor Among Thieves)
A companion album was released on June 23, 2023 with 14 songs inspired by the world of Taverns in Dungeons & Dragons, written by Lorne Balfe with directors Jonathan Goldstein and John Francis Daley.
book of the bard 吟遊詩人之書
這個清單是該電影音樂製作人Lorne Balfe的收錄清單
Reeraw! Well ye ken, our toils can wait for a time. We saw the folly of men who rather than revel repine
Reeraw! Well ye ken, our toils can wait for a time. We saw the folly of men who rather than revel repine
Reeraw! Well ye ken, our toils can wait for a time. We saw the folly of men who rather than revel repine
Book of the Bard (Music Inspired by Dungeons & Drago...
A companion album was released on June 23, 2023 with 14 songs inspired by the world of Taverns in Dungeons & Dragons, written by Lorne Balfe with directors Jonathan Goldstein and John Francis Daley.
Dungeons & Dragons: Honor Between Thieves (原聲帶)wiki
03 The Nine Hells
04 Free Kenku
02 Lads and Lasses(男聲主唱)
10 Lasses and Lads(女聲主唱)
08 Sweet Emerald Love
09 Drowing in the Jar
11 The Dragons Breath
12 The Warden
13 Benjamin and Leopold