“ Once you start to realize that these diets, particularly those prescription diets are bad, you have to face two things, one is that your hospital has an income stream directly from those diets, and that’s hard to break;
insidiously, those diets are inducing more disease that keep the pets coming back in your door, and that’s a secondary income stream that’s much larger and much harder to let go of, and much harder to recognize, because you have to recognize, in order to turn away from that, that you’ve done a great deal of harm.
And in order to do that, you have to forgive yourself .... because do the best you can with knowledge that you have at a time, and this is the same message I give to my clients come in having fed the stuff and they’re like Oh My God I’ve hurt my cat!
“ I don’t understand why anyone would go into this profession without a passion for continuing to learn, without scientists to understand that almost everything we understand now is wrong, and we must continue to learn because that’s what science is.
But I would also say at the risk of sounding like a conspiracy theorist that I think there is a huge and very very negative influence on the veterinary profession from the pet food industry in general,
and part of that is the incestuous relationship that it has now, being that at this moment, one pet food company owns a very large percentage of the entire veterinary industry, not just hospitals, but labs and so on as well.
And, veterinary hospitals are notoriously non-profitable, so they didn’t buy these hospitals in order to make a profit from the hospitals, they bought them because they can control which prescription diets are sold, and those are extremely profitable.
Um, I think one of the reasons the veterinarians find it so hard to change, to make it change, and I know, because I went through the same thing is that ....
// (貓科作為純粹肉食性動物長期餵食)乾飼料造成的種種問題:泌尿道發炎、糖尿病、過敏;
例如處方飼料思維之荒謬,Slack 說,一個有心臟病的人類,會被人醫告知終其一生只能吃一種心臟處方過度加工食品嗎?
影片中的粗糧 =kibble = 乾飼料。 //
“ Once you start to realize that these diets, particularly those prescription diets are bad, you have to face two things, one is that your hospital has an income stream directly from those diets, and that’s hard to break;
I’ve hurt my patients, I’ve hurt my own cats, and the rest of my career is dedicated to making up for that. ”
“ I don’t understand why anyone would go into this profession without a passion for continuing to learn, without scientists to understand that almost everything we understand now is wrong, and we must continue to learn because that’s what science is.