๐Ÿ” YEDONG...
[ToTK] Shenanigans now that I actually have time to sit and play for a while
๐Ÿ” YEDONG...
I love the Gorons, goro
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Especially Yunobo's two little minions
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I just beat the Fire Temple and got Yunobo's avatar, which will come in handy- no more needing to risk blowing myself up with Bomb Flowers and wasting weapons when I need to break rocks
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Though now I need to stop, gather some supplies, and make some stuff to sell because the one defensive elixir I had saved my ass in the Marbled Gohma battle
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And try to clear some more Temples so I can get another heart
if you haven't started already, make sure to balance hearts with stamina. you hit a point where you will need at least two full wheels
but also yunobo's ability: so useful in caves and I love him for it.
๐Ÿ” YEDONG...
oof, good to know
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I have an extra quarter right now, I tend to focus on getting more hearts just because I am so clumsy, lol
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But I'll get an extra stamina piece once I have enough Blessings
also re: stuff to sell, dragon farming is the way to go for me tbh
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the spike shards sell for a lot and you can get a BUNCH off of one dragon, and since they're a lot more predictable and easy to reach than in BOTW it feels much less of a waste of resources to sell the horns/claws/scales
๐Ÿ” YEDONG...
Good to know, thank you
also just in case you've never tried to land on one of the dragons - you'll need a couple tiers of cold resistance for naydra, and fire resistance for dinraal, so if you have a couple pieces of the snowquill/flamebreaker armor you should be good
farosh doesn't need specific armor to land on her, but there IS a constant thunderstorm around so mind your weapons.
๐Ÿ” YEDONG...
I do need to go back and get the Snowquill leggings, though I do have the tunic and leggings for Flamebreaker
๐Ÿ” YEDONG...
I've been relying on selling gemstones to get Rupees so far but I can usually just barely scrape together enough to buy the armor I need
Also, definitely save the more valuable gems- there is a traveling gerudo lady who only buys stacks of ten of rubies/sapphires/diamonds but offers a delicious mark-up for them
dragon parts sell for a TON and you can harvest a new part every ten minutes so it's a real easy way to make some quick money
i feel like she and dragon farming has financed my armor-upgrading addiction
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iiiiii'm not sure how/when the spike shards respawn since they're not things you knock off the dragons, they're just ON them and you can pick them up
๐Ÿ” YEDONG...
I did meet the Gerudo lady! She wanted amber and I had enough to sell to her
also flints for that guy next to the restaurant, he gives 1k rupees per ripe flint he manages to taste
also the dragons don't despawn when you fast travel so if you see one in the distance and know there's a skyview tower close to them, you can warp there and shoot yourself up to get close
๐Ÿ” YEDONG...
๐Ÿ” YEDONG...
i could track a respawn rate sometime, but i do know horns/scales/whatever takes ten real-life minutes to respawn
so ill just ride a dragon for a while and grab bits every time it glows again
i wanna say the shards respawn with every blood moon like most gatherable stuff????
but i'm not totally sure
yeah, confirmed blood moon, which is every seven in-game days
so you could just sleep your way through until a blood moon scene happens
ahhhh okay
also on a non-money related note, since you can ride the dragons now, they're SO good for scouting out shrines and stuff
some gatherables respawn sooner, like, i've gotten hearty bass and things pretty often, but everything save for treasure chests respawn with blood moon
i was able to map out a decent portion of the depths at one point bc i hopped on naydra just as she was diving into the chasm outside kakariko lmfao
๐Ÿ” YEDONG...
This is all very good to know, ty
hell yeah
i was watching mst3k, the new stuff, and when they do 'invention exchanges' i keep imagining some way of nintendo not being dumb and allowing multiplayer because i'd love a Hyrule Engineering Convention where people share their wild constructs
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๐Ÿ” YEDONG...
I'll get right on it, I say as I teleport to Rito Village so I can gather more wheat and cook some tasty food