Max Graf , in a feeble attempt to distract you from your current discomfort, I present: Progress on the Horrible Cabinet and Another Thing
I finally got one end of the bottom board loose! I try not to make horrible loud noises when the ickle doglette will object; also, I need to move the other bits of lumber out of the way so I can get the other end to drop without stabbing me.

This is my new Gorilla Cart! So I can move things back and forth without worrying about falling on my face while carrying stuff.
Max Graf
I am hunting a cart! jelly!
Max Graf
Blain's Farm & Fleet, fwiw.
Sides can be removed fairly easily if you need to haul something large and flattish (although the instructions were a little vague about how they assemble).
Wow that cart looks mega useful! It's like a wagon, way nicer than a wheelbarrow.
Max Graf
Look on FB MP, they are often cheaper on there. The new carts start at about 100 and go up, the new ones at Lowes are up to 450 for some of the trailer ones, its stupid.
I think mine was over $100, but definitely less than $200....
T. A. Lowery
oooo, gotta keep those in mind for book boxes when I have a table at conventions
Wouldn't a... drat, term. Hand cart? Be easier to fit in elevators and such?
I used to have one similar to this when I was a courier:
T. A. Lowery
I have a hand truck that converts to a cart, but it has no sides.
Oh, you're specifically liking the sides. Gotcha. :-D