plans for tonight...

> RS: x3 tagbacks, x1 tag-out
> Foo: x2 tagbacks
> tdm Cid: x3 tagbacks?

> Nod: tag Jyoti
might not actually tag Jyoti tonight, but I should at least start planning what to tag with. sketch it out for my brain in a google doc.
unsure if Cid's tdm tags are needed... one of em already submitted their app, one of em wasn't planning to app, they were just having fun with a character, unsure if there are plans to app Cam. So I guess that one at least gets Cid's priority.
gonna do RS tags first tho.
did RS x2 tagbacks, x1 tag-out
RS x1 tagback
Cid x1 tagback
it wasn't Cam's, but now I'm tired. accidentally spent a buncha time noodling through the warrens of youtube