I really love your + (dress / hair / outfit / etc.). That’s such a pretty (noun). You have great taste. What a nice + (noun)!真是棒的~。 You’ve got a cool style.你的風格很酷。
先祖:Spirit 常駐先祖:Regular Spirit 嚮導:Guide 友誼樹 / 先祖兌換樹:Friendship Tree / Friend Menu 光翼 / 小金人:Winged Light = WL / Golden Kid / Children of Light 破圖:OOB = Out of Bounds
正确用法:Is it possible that...please?/Could you….please? 询问别人能否做一件事用“Can you...”听起来略显生硬,非常礼貌的说法是“Is it possible that…(by) any chance?”加上“by any chance”表示有时间有机会的话,这是一种非常礼貌的说法。
Do you have time?(你有空嗎?) 如果要打擾別人一下,和他說句話或請他幫忙, 可以用的問法。 其他問法: Do you have a minute?(你有空嗎?) > Got a minute? 或者 You got a minute? Are you busy?(你在忙嗎?) Have you got a minute?(你有空嗎?) Are you free for a moment?(你現在有空嗎?) Can we talk for a minute?(我們可以講一下話嗎?) Can I talk to you for a second?(我可以跟你講一下話嗎?)
This restaurant has a good vibe. 這間餐廳氣氛很好 I got good vibes from this song. 這首歌很有氣氛 We should spread good vibes to people around us. 我們應該向人們傳遞正能量 Try not to send out negative vibes. It may affect others. 不要散播負能量,那會影響到他人
New adventures and challenges await us. 新的冒險與挑戰等著我們呢。 She didn’t notice that a surprise awaited her at home. 她沒注意到有個驚喜在家裡等著她。 After the summer vacation, many tests await the students. 這個暑假過後,等著那些學生的是一堆考試。 None of us know what really awaits us at the gates. 我們都不知道在門口等著我們的真正會是什麼。
Wow, I wish I could (verb) as well as you!
You’re an amazing player.
You are so sweet to take me flninsh the task.
she cuddled the baby in her arms 她把寶寶摟在懷裡
to have a cuddle 擁抱一下
to give sb. a cuddle 給某人一個擁抱
That’s such a pretty (noun). You have great taste.
What a nice + (noun)!真是棒的~。
You’ve got a cool style.你的風格很酷。
When did you change it?
What mask do you recommend?
I really love your hair. Where did you perm it?
Nice suit! Where did you get it?
You look fantastic. What are you up to today?
What a nice dress. You look gorgeous in it!
常駐先祖:Regular Spirit
友誼樹 / 先祖兌換樹:Friendship Tree / Friend Menu
光翼 / 小金人:Winged Light = WL / Golden Kid / Children of Light
破圖:OOB = Out of Bounds
跑蠟燭:CR = Candle Run / Farm
跑光翼:Wing Run = WR
跑試煉:Trials Run
去景點:Visit OOB
斷手 / 解除牽手:Break Hand-Hold
*補充:拜託不要用Cut Hand(把手砍掉),外國人會被你嚇到(º ロ º๑)
大叫:Honk / Deep Call
連續叫 / 狂吧:Spam Honk
摸頭:Pat / Head Pat / Hair Tousle
傳送:Teleport = TP(從星盤飛過去)
背(揹)人:Piggy Back
風之大道 Wind Path
暮(墓)土 Golden Wasteland = GW / Wasteland
四龍區 / 墓地 / 巨獸荒原 Graveyard
雨林 Hidden Forest / Forest
兩隻小小的小蘿莉體型,Marié 跟Marina,感覺是雙子設定
请对方帮忙,或者提出要求时,尽量用“May I have/get/...please?”
YES:May I have your name please?
What’s your name?YES: I’d like to have a meeting with you.
I want to have a meeting with you.YES: May I have a cup of water please?
I want a cup of water.不礼貌用法:
Can you…?<<要用過去式正确用法:Is it possible that...please?/Could you….please?
询问别人能否做一件事用“Can you...”听起来略显生硬,非常礼貌的说法是“Is it possible that…(by) any chance?”加上“by any chance”表示有时间有机会的话,这是一种非常礼貌的说法。
I can’t hear you.>>I have difficulty hearing you.哈哈...我開頭就問What's your name?
May I have your name please?/Could you please tell me your name?
I know(X)>>I see / I've got it / I got you.Of course(X)>>Sure. / Sure, thank you!/ Why not?/ You bet .用錯了,下次改進QQ! 是過去式 Got it!
How to say…in English? (X)Do you speak English? 請問你會講英文嗎?
Can you speak English? (X)Look it up in the dictionary. 查字典
Look up the dictionary. (X)如果要打擾別人一下,和他說句話或請他幫忙,
Do you have a minute?(你有空嗎?)
> Got a minute? 或者 You got a minute?
Are you busy?(你在忙嗎?)
Have you got a minute?(你有空嗎?)
Are you free for a moment?(你現在有空嗎?)
Can we talk for a minute?(我們可以講一下話嗎?)
Can I talk to you for a second?(我可以跟你講一下話嗎?)
(X)I like here.What is she like? 她是怎麼樣的人?(問性格、行為)
What does she look like?她長得怎樣?(問外表、樣子)
What does she like? 她喜歡什麼?
not at the moment,thanks
nope,but thanks for checking
There is a lot going on.
I'm swamped.>>深陷其中,Swamp就是沼澤,這裏作為動詞形容陷入泥沼的人。
good vibes 指的其實是「正能量」。
最常見的就是 good vibes / positive vibes ,意思是「良好、正面積極的氛圍」,也就是現代人們常說的「正能量」;那反面的意思就是 bad vibes / negative vibes,指的就是「負能量」。
I got good vibes from this song.
We should spread good vibes to people around us.
Try not to send out negative vibes. It may affect others.
IG 上常常看到的 hashtag:#BDKMV 其實是一句話的縮寫。
這句話的全文是: Bitch, don’t kill my vibe. (別來掃我的興)
await 還有另一個意思是「(某事物)將降臨在…、等著…的是(某事物)」,主詞通常會是事物,而受詞通常是人,這用法算滿常聽到的
She didn’t notice that a surprise awaited her at home.
After the summer vacation, many tests await the students.
None of us know what really awaits us at the gates.