Cute Quinn
breaking down a cool roguelike demo I'm playing called Shogun Showdown
Cute Quinn
the idea is that it's a turn-based side-scrolling swordbattle game with tiny maps and tiny math
Cute Quinn
over each unit's head is their action queue
Cute Quinn
each turn, you can do one of the following
Cute Quinn
- Move one space in either direction
Cute Quinn
- Turn around
Cute Quinn
- Add an action to the action queue
Cute Quinn
- Empty the queue and do every action in it
Cute Quinn
This turn, both enemies are going to add an action to their action queue
Cute Quinn
I have one action in my queue, and it's "deal 2 damage on both sides in melee"
Cute Quinn
the guy behind me has 2 HP
Cute Quinn so, execute queue
Cute Quinn
then as the enemy moves in for melee, I turn around, equip a 2-damage arrow, and fire
Cute Quinn
simple enough
Cute Quinn but battles have multiple waves
Cute Quinn
with each set of enemies appearing immediately after the last enemi is slain
Cute Quinn
each action also has a cooldown of how many turns you have to wait before you can equip it again
Cute Quinn almost took 2 damage from this guy, but I got my arrow out one turn faster
Cute Quinn now it's 3 against 1, and my heavy-hitting actions are all on cooldown
Cute Quinn so here we use two actions at once
Cute Quinn the guy on the left is going to dash forwards any distance and hit the first guy he runs into
Cute Quinn
but I have one more ability, on a 4-turn cooldown
Cute Quinn
and it's to swap places with an adjacent enemy
Cute Quinn I swap places with him and he hits the other enemy instead of me
Cute Quinn
oh this is FASCINATING
Cute Quinn then I catch up, and I have a 3-damage spear, which pierces 2 tiles forward
Cute Quinn
so this wave is dealt with
Cute Quinn wave 4 has an archer, a spearman, and a swordsman... tricky bunch
Cute Quinn
first move is to swap right so that the spear guy is blocking the archer
Cute Quinn you can adjust the order of the actions in your queue at any time without taking a turn
Cute Quinn
so, double arrow, kill both at once without risking an attack from the archer
Cute Quinn and so on
Cute Quinn battle cleared with no damage taken
Cute Quinn
then between fights you get to upgrade your actions with things like "+1 damage +1 cooldown" or "-1 cooldown"
Cute Quinn here's a kickass turn
Cute Quinn
there's a guy in front of me with 5 HP, about to strike, and an enemy 3 spaces behind him
Cute Quinn
my queue is
Cute Quinn
"Shoot nearest enemy ahead for 4 damage"
Cute Quinn
"Travel forwards until you pass through an enemy, dealing 1 damage"
Cute Quinn
"Pierce 2 spaces ahead for 3 damage"
Cute Quinn
double kill
Cute Quinn
this game fucks
oh this sounds REAL cool
Cute Quinn there are boss fights
Cute Quinn demo clear. wishlisting this hard
Cute Quinn
comes out on the 27th
Cute Quinn
the attack queue is so good for like
Cute Quinn
that samurai clash feeling
Cute Quinn
you queue up 3 moves and then there's a burst of action
pastel ranma
Oh yeah I played an earlier version of that like a year ago! It's so cool