You're Quinner
doubleplurk but here's a weird steam opinion
You're Quinner
either there shouldn't be a Female Protagonist tag, or there should be a Male Protagonist tag
You're Quinner
make male protagonists conspicuous
Niamh Vibes
Oooooh, compelling
You're Quinner
as it is it's like
You're Quinner
either a game has a female protagonist, or it's a normal game
oh i'm scary
oh i'm scary
I mean, that's clearly not the intended logic behind there being a Female Protagonist tag so it feels like a pretty misplaced gesture of defiance
oh i'm scary
like, it's there to be useful to people who are seeking those games out because there aren't enough of them, especially in certain genres
Princess Emily
Player A: I want a game with a female protagonist...
Steam: This is acceptable. /hands over the female-protagonist tag
Player B: I hate women! I only want to play games with MEN because only men can be heroes!!
Steam: Fuck off nerd