wedding rose??
because it came up in another plurk, the story of my multiple-times-ill-fated elementary school senior trip
wedding rose??
first off, we don't really do middle school here except for, like, one weird private school, so keep in mind this is a K-8 school and thus I was 13 when this happened
wedding rose??
Every year, the grade eights would go on an overnight trip someplace at the end of the year, usually a summer camp but sometimes something else interesting.
wedding rose??
And the year I was in grade 8, we were supposed to go overnight to... a haunted sanatorium.
wedding rose??
I, of course, thought this was super cool and not horrifying.
wedding rose??
But that year seemed to be cursed for school trips. We'd already had our winter ski trip postponed twice and then outright cancelled due to weather conditions, and had to sit around at school doing busy work and watching The Wedding Singer while the teacher fast-forwarded through the inappropriate parts all three times.
wedding rose??
I can't remember what happened that we couldn't go to the sanatorium, but as the date approached, the teacher announced that we would instead be going to this ranch Bible camp.
wedding rose??
That was fine, it was still a cool new location and I had had a horse phase a few years prior and still thought riding was an exciting prospect.
wedding rose??
But then I guess they didn't have the money for that that year, so that got replaced with a closer, less expensive summer camp with no horses.
wedding rose??
This is fine. Still interesting. I had always wanted to go to summer camp anyway and the closest I'd ever gotten was a day camp that had one overnight portion at the YMCA camp.
wedding rose??
But then, in the end, that got cancelled at the last minute anyway, something about weather or ticks or something.
wedding rose??
So after a series of less exotic and exciting events proposed, our grade 8 trip was just walking to the science centre, which we had seen maybe 1,000 times by that point, and watching a movie about "the entrepreneurial spirit of California" (we lived nowhere near California) and another one about the circulatory system.
wedding rose??
We didn't even get to stay overnight in the science centre.
wedding rose??
I have been bitter ever since.
Entirely valid.
wedding rose??
My brother, when he was in grade 8, ended up going to the horse camp and came home with ticks, so maybe I shouldn't have been jealous, but still.
Medic▲l Mir▲cle
after hearing this I am confident that someone in your class was a main character in a sitcom
Lightning Bolt
man i'm so sorry
Lightning Bolt
also andy is right this really sounds like some kind of tragic comedy bit