[family death]
Today was a day more for... venting and raging at some things. Related to complications regarding interactions and relationships between different members of my family.
I won't specify things now. Not yet.
But I vented and raged to my mom about something and it kind of helped to get someo f it out.
I sitll need to get more of it out.
IDK if I need someone to tell me I'm wrong for it or I'm right or I don't know, I'm not ready to break it down yet.
Sam, youngest sister, is flying out to Texas tomorrow for a few days. She'll stay with our brother, CJ.
They'll handle documents, and all the hard stuff that also relies heavily on finances.
Sam is struggling financially.
My mom has taken off this week and I don't know if there'll be more. That's a negative dip of... I think I found it to be like $400 pre-tax?
Cremation stuff is... all of it... I say "stuff" to kind of detach away, I guess.
My mom and I can't help with any finances.
In fact, we're in the negatives, now. Quite literally two days ago.
I feel guilt about that,t oo.
CJ refuses to allow a financial-help thing in the obituary portion.
I'lll post the final bit of the obituary and any memento stuff when I can actually talk about it.
If not here, then dreamwidth.
I went from a numb to an anger at things to a laughing at some memories, to now numb.
So I' went from typos of stuttering to just a numbness right now.
I need to do a few things, and also may try to do some more cleaning or just. I don't know yet to distract.
Every time I think I can talk to someone directly about it,my stomach does flips and says "No"
My mom and I have admitted we're grateful we have each other's backs here. In at least the ways we can.
I've had a handful of people who've offered their ears or just their condolences in sincerity with some personalization. For those I've appreciated.
I've seen some share fond memories. Those make me grateful.
Annnnd I can't say anymore b/c I'm starting to lose my ability to.
I just. Needed to get this out, I guess.
Red Hair Jean
sometimes, with big grief, yeah, you start to talk about it, then can't. that's ok, too. just like before, you take your time and do what you need.

you know where to find me if you want to talk
Yeah... Each type of grief I've gone through is different and... yeah...
Thank you, love...
I just. I don't even know what to say, honestly...
I want to talk to someone, but yet every time I think of talking about /anything/ I /can't/ because of what brought this on just... stops me.
Like. ... like now as the tears start to burn and I need to go to bed and yeah.
Thanks, love...
Red Hair Jean
I don't feel like making another plurk right now.

My youngest sister has flown down and is now with our brother. I don't know the details of anything. I. Haven't really asked.

I know my sister will tell me what I need to know and if there's more, I can ask more when available.
She described herself as "tired" yesterday. Understandable. She's been carrying a lot of the responsibility stuff right now. A lot of stuff requires $$ and my mom and I don't have it.
She barely does.
My brother... he does.
I don't know howmuch, but he's well off.
He doesn't want to have "help" (financial) in the obituary.
Because he doesn't want to ask for it.
I was going tos ay more, but never mind. I need to step away.
knowing why my sister is there right now is another realization. another concrete bit. another. reality check.
Ah. Fvck. As I just put it inmy calendar that my sister isthere, it ergisters that she'll be there through Pepper's first birthday without... Pepper would've been turning 16. fvck.
just. piling.