Cute Quinn
[uspol][cw quinn being curmudgeonly]
Cute Quinn
I'm glad that things are ostensibly happening to trump
Cute Quinn
I'm particularly fond of his lawyers basically going "pweeeease don't law us"
Cute Quinn
but god I wish just
Cute Quinn
the process of making consequences happen to trump didn't have six trillion individual steps, all of which have indistinguishable names
Cute Quinn
each of which was individually newsworthy
Cute Quinn
he's been accused! he's been investigated! he's been indicted! he's been prosecuted! he's been charged!
Cute Quinn
it never ends and every time it sure sounds like maybe trump's gonna go to jail but then it's like no, that was only in jurisdiction 1 of 7
Cute Quinn
step 3 of 15
Cute Quinn
it's frustrating because it's training me to not be excited about news about trump being in trouble
Cute Quinn
because it's never anything
i agree that our law system is incredibly byzantine and slow-moving and that it invariably benefits the kind of people who didn't do massive newsworthy crimes (read: murder) because it means it's very easy for that to get either buried or reported on so heavily viewers tune it out
It doesn't help that there's just so much of it in Trump's case
Cute Quinn
like it's not that big of an actual bad thing
Cute Quinn
I'm glad we have a process and it's being used
Cute Quinn
it's just so frustrating as a news observer
Niamh Vibes
its draining
I’ll get hype when I see the headline “Trump going to jail for 50 years on July 4th”
Princess Emily
unfortunately, for the same reasons, the REALLY stupid people keep seeing the news, then going "But he's not in jail, so... THEREFORE HE WAS FOUND INNOCENT"
pastel ranma
Also one thing I know about this kind of reporting that's good to know. Never pay attention to a headline that says "X could get a maximum of Z years in prison"
pastel ranma
It'll never be the Maximum.
pastel ranma
Especially for somebody who is, on paper, a first time offender.
Princess Emily
I mean if the LATEST thing is true, I doubt that'll matter,
yeah, if it's actually the maximum they won't say "could", they will say "are getting"