Wayward Haze
It is morning and I am once again having The Childermass Feels so this might just be a live plurk of my starting the audio over again
Wayward Haze
Bernie Sanders Meme: I am once again asking you to read or watch Jonathan Strange & Mr. Norrell.
Wayward Haze
Every single side character in this is so damn fleshed out, I love them all. Also, "I get old, sir: a common failing" is a great way to tell someone why you couldn't do/hear something
Wayward Haze
Also, the anecdotal world building was a little annoying at first ... but the more I read the more I appreciated the context of them, and now I keep referring to them because Childermass would know or have heard of most of it
Wayward Haze
Childermass was one of that uncomfortable class of men who was born lowly, and are destined all their lives to serve their betters, but whose clever brains and quick abilities make them wish for recognition and rewards far beyond their reach. /plays One Jump Reprise from Aladdin solemnly
Wayward Haze
Norrell: Childermass, get me a London house that says to people that magic is just as respectable as law or the military.
Childermass: So you want me to buy you a church.
Norrell: ("who knew there were such things as jokes but had never been introduced to one") What? No, I don't think magic is a religion per se.
Wayward Haze
Wayward Haze
Norrell: Tell them I can't go to their party. I have a prior engagement.
Childermass: And do you? (pointed stare)
Norrell: Yes. With this book. .... .... .... You're still here.
Childermass: Sir, you came here to get famous. Go to the fucking party.
Norrell: UGH fiiiiiiiiine. But I won't like it.
Wayward Haze
The satire of Regency house parties in this bit is absolutely on point and reminds me a little of Douglas Adams: it describes how loud, crowded, sweaty and uncomfortable they are but ends with "and then everyone goes home and says what a lovely time they had and how they need to do it again". The more things change....
Wayward Haze
... I love the descriptions of characters... "his eyes were as small black fish swimming in a great sea of face"