My Knee
Morning text from Mom (because Wednesdays are bridge run days): "on news today...even children should be restricted with time outdoors. You are our smart. overcast and a little smoky here today."
My Knee
My Knee
mommy cute
Aww Jainmom
My Knee
My problem is that part of my brain always wants to seize a reason not to Make Physical Effort so the rest of me is like, that's just your brain being lazy, you should definitely still go running outdoors
My Knee
And then I look outside and, to steal a pic from Whit's plurk, it's like
poodle chaser
My Knee
poodle chaser
: I'm rooting for you guys, I'm sure you're suffering a lot more
poodle chaser
Thanks! Just opening the door today smells like having smoke blown in my face
My Knee
saw a real pic in another plurk and yeah that's exactly what it looks like ._. good luck, stay safe
𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐫𝐚 🎀
stay safe!! try not to go out if you can avoid it
why i otter
why i otter
My Knee
why i otter
: that's fucking wild
Jeez, is that NY?
why i otter
this is NJ across the river from NYC
My Knee
Okay I played around with angles and got this, also no filter
O_O that looks like scene from blade runner
holy shit you guys
Don't go outside! It's like smoking a pack of cigarettes which is probably counterintuitive to whatever health benefits from exercise rip
My Knee
I'll probably end up going to the gym
My Knee
I think they might cancel the brun anyway, Bill seemed concerned
why i otter
I did the dreadmill this morning
why i otter
definitely not a day for running outside