BB Mods ★
It is finally time for a more public plurk for Bravely Borrows! [GameMenuTDM]
BB Mods ★
Bravely Borrows is an invite-only panfandom DWRP that shamelessly (perhaps even bravely) borrows from the settings of Bravely Default and Bravely Second. Knowledge of the games is not needed- this iteration of Luxendarc is ever changing due to the influence of its new Adventurers.
BB Mods ★
Characters arrive for a brand new adventure to the golden town of Gildenhirst. Play dress up with job classes, make a party, join a guild, do some quests. A very RPG townlife awaits you.
BB Mods ★
AC is check-in with rewards for activity ($$$ and Job Points). We fully intend to be a sleepy paced game for sleepy people that have cotton balls in their brains most days. If that sounds like you, g r e a t .
BB Mods ★
APPS are open! To apply, you must be on Bret 🍊 's plurklist. However, our Test Drive Meme is open to everyone!
BB Mods ★
There has already been some action there, but we have a round up plurk for active threads. Please feel free to drop your TL in there if you so desire!
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For the initial app round, players already invited are allowed a +1 if they so desire. (This does apply to those that have already apped too, if applicable.)
BB Mods ★
Opening is ??? but soon.
BB Mods ★
Most pages should be up and running, barring one or two exceptions here and there. Please feel free to let us know if anything seems wonky! (The coding is very old, it might not work great on mobile. Deepest apologies for that part 8'D)
BB Mods ★
If you have questions, feel free to ask here or on the FAQ!
I'll put my threads on the roundup plurk tomorrow
Bret 🍊
MNK Zoomies
Rᴏʟʟɪɴɢ sᴛᴀʀ ★
Bret 🍊
And now that it is not 9pm pst on a Sunday night, the gentlest rebump. I post things at really excellent times of day.
Sounds neat, may look more later, can I replurk or should this stay small?
Bret 🍊
You can replurk! My initial post was a private one but if people want to come mess around on the tdm or look into future things i'd love to have them drop by!
Bret 🍊
And also hello there
Bret 🍊
The game itself has a player cap because i want to make sure i can keep things smooth. I do not promise to be a good mod but imma try my best haha
everyone needs to see this game it's so cute
Bret 🍊
MNK Zoomies
I skimmed a bit, but I will take a deeper dive later \o/
MNK Zoomies
and perhaps top level the tdm :v
Bret 🍊
follow ur dreams
MNK Zoomies
debating about bug
MNK Zoomies
because everyone else needs their paids renewed
Bret 🍊
heh heh
Bret 🍊
bug would be interesting to dress up and it'd be really cute with the journals hehehe
MNK Zoomies
having only one expression sure is a blessing sometimes
MNK Zoomies
and oh noooooo
MNK Zoomies
I never played any of the Bravely Defaults yet, so...
MNK Zoomies
I've got... a rom of the first two on 3ds tho
MNK Zoomies
also sob, every time I see a new private or au game crop up I'm just like "need to write more about mine rite nao D<"
Bret 🍊
its okay!! i have very much only stolen the parts about the games that I liked because I shamelessly did not want to come up with a whole setting. I will be trying to provide as much relevant information as I can so people don't have to worry.
Bret 🍊
(also I feel you deeply on that game front, i kept seein' all the new games pop up in spring and was sweating)
Bret 🍊
((I wish all of these games a very "have an amazing time" ))
Bret 🍊
I highly support a bug finding a rogue hallownest bug out in the wild to go !!! i know that beastiary entry
MNK Zoomies
Bret 🍊
blue's gonna think they're a pokemon, just don't tell her about the bug part
MNK Zoomies
it'd also be really nice to play bug somewhere where people actually know what HK even is... which is still wild to me given how popular the game is or maybe people are just really loud
MNK Zoomies
the perfectly normal bug, that's actually dark/ghost 8'D
Bret 🍊
just tell her that part and she will love them. secret soft spot for dark types.
Bret 🍊
picks up this bug and puts them on my shelf
Bret 🍊
i know i have seen a few other bugs in other places at least...!!
MNK Zoomies
there was a Hornet on the most recent emp! And yeah I know a couple /o/
MNK Zoomies
but yeah, not so much luck in games it seems
💞 sweetheart
Bret 🍊
bugs can be hard in a vacuum u_u i will adopt them
Bret 🍊
★ тяу-нαя∂уи
i miss ardyn so maybe
★ тяу-нαя∂уи
Bret 🍊
i plan on being around even if there is only a handful of us so weird uncles are welcome at any time
MNK Zoomies
smol games... good
★ тяу-нαя∂уи
sneaks in here to say I am down 2 harass people on tdm this weekend if anyone was hesitant about jumping in
MNK Zoomies
I shall attempt to make a post this weekend, I been constantly distracted by a million things o/
this is the sleepy game so there is truly no rush no pressure <3 just wanted to make it clear that The Interest is there
(I would also love an bug)
MNK Zoomies
yes good
MNK Zoomies
MNK Zoomies
kind of thinking of bringing a wol catte who is mainly just a wol catte in appearance only, because the job change gimmick works a little too well for that
MNK Zoomies
I dunno if I want to go all in on the xiv since it's a can of worms sob
MNK Zoomies
and she was an oc originally anyway
Bret 🍊
i promise you anything about ffxiv is going to read as OCs galore to me to like. follow your dreams, be they ff or pure oc flavor
MNK Zoomies
ffxiv wols have a particular reputation in rp of bringing out the worst ocs, because the main character is essentially a canonical mary sue, sob
Bret 🍊
puts my hand on your hand its all good here friend
Bret 🍊
i have stolen all their powers
MNK Zoomies
Bret 🍊
Bret 🍊
leans in and whispers soon
MNK Zoomies
points at my eyes, points at bug
(how big is bug here?)
Rᴏʟʟɪɴɢ sᴛᴀʀ ★
MNK Zoomies
Easy nerd answer: Lalafell sized
NonXIV answer: Around 3 feet is what I go with? Even by HK standards they are smol compared to everyone else :v
MNK Zoomies
the horns probably add a bit too
good intel, thank you