What's the word I'm looking fur? "Buy One, get One (free)" is the <what> of the BOGO acronym? "Self Contained Underwater Breathing Apparatus" is the <what> of the SCUBA acronym? It's not the "meaning", not the "interpretation", not the "derivation" - it's the <what>?
It's incorporated in an email - explaining or examining us on the <what> of the "SAFE" acronym - where the F stands for "Follow the SOPs, GOPs and manuals" (paraphrased).
Full line in my mail: "As a member of the Attractions Operations department, I am constantly hearing Team Captains explaining or examining us on the *********** of the "SAFE" acronym"
Yes, that, too. I use expansion for this in steno, because that's literally how I write it. I write FBI and expand it into Federal Bureau of Investigation. I didn't suggest it bc I think it could be confusing without context. If I said expanding FBI, you might think they're hiring or getting more power.
"Buy One, get One (free)" is the <what> of the BOGO acronym?
"Self Contained Underwater Breathing Apparatus" is the <what> of the SCUBA acronym?
It's not the "meaning", not
the "interpretation", not the "derivation" - it's the <what>?
Thankees, Plurkies.