So I had my first therapy session this morning. First in my entire life. I had PT earlier in the morning and my blood pressure was 169 over 70 which was so high, I must have been stressed over therapy. lol But it went well. I like my therapist.
Though she told me to keep a pen and paper daily journal and I had to disabuse her of that notion. It hurts to hold small objects like a pen and sets of tremors, I can use those big pens (Dr. Grip) but even that has a 1 or 2 sentence limit. So, I can do it on the computer.
She does a combination of cognitive behavioral therapy and talk therapy. She thinks I am depressed, though I am not sure about that. She said it was more likely situational depression, not an endogenous depression. It will be interesting and scary, I think.
I hope you benefit from it
that's a brave step!
so proud of you!
I hope it works out for you!