Aether Muffin
[fic] doing research for chapter 9 of Tequila Sunrise and hooooly shit I'm having to take notes just to keep things straight @@
Aether Muffin
all I'm doing is looking through Leon's wiki to see where he goes after the RE4R and it's a fuggen mess
Aether Muffin
he's only involved with a handful of incidents directly, but what they were related to in the timeline of it all and the people who were related to them in some way or another (and then what THEY were involved with) is turning out to be a friggin rabbit hole
Aether Muffin
RE4R happens in 2004. I've only read up on what happens until 2009. I've been reading for 2 hours @@
Pen Again
oof need cliff notes
Aether Muffin
@@ u want? I've been making them
Aether Muffin
wish I knew how to plurk paste
Pen Again
no no, you need the cliffs notes. I do not even know what RE4R is tbh
Aether Muffin
y'know what I'm not planning on this fic really going much past 2006 or so anyway. and it's gonna go off into AU land as it does. so fuggit. I'm done reading.
Aether Muffin
aaaaa Resident Evil 4 Remake
Pen Again
AH I was like Red Dead... no... idk
Pen Again
there are too many fandom acronyms
Aether Muffin
there really are ;3; I should've just posted it full out
Pen Again
nah! you know what you meant! that's what counts
Aether Muffin
Aether Muffin
best part about all of this is that there's just one note between 2006 and 2009. and it happens in 2009. and all it says is this: "Wesker killed by BSAA - Leon not involved - Tricell falls apart"
Pen Again
leon not involved, that's all that matters XD
Aether Muffin
pretty much yeah. I only made note of the things he wasn't directly involved in if it had any connection to the things he was involved in, and only for my own reference. a lot of that is gonna be changed though, depending on how much of it I can use for the fic
Aether Muffin
he's really only involved in 3 incidents after RE4R, and pretty much all of those happen one right after the others
Aether Muffin
it doesn't really say how long they span in total, but it starts in 2005 and ends in 2006
Aether Muffin
to think I went here wanting to read up on what happens in RE6
Aether Muffin
cause I bought that game after playing RE4R just to see more of Leon's story and it's..... exactly as bad as they say it is