Wayward Haze
Hi, I'm back, this is chatter and catch up and flailing about Kesha's new album and and and-
Wayward Haze
IT'S SO GOOD and also somehow I missed High Road and that's amazing too
Wayward Haze
Craft fair went well - got a lot of compliments, met my people, was in a PRIMO spot ... and across from my high school private art tutor that I quit because he kept wanting me to draw like him
Wayward Haze
guess who had more traffic stopping?
Wayward Haze
This Dude
Wayward Haze
Thanks to
for the paper idea, it looked really good!
Wayward Haze
I made back my fees for this AND the show I missed, plus enough for this week's groceries and gas, so. I'm calling that a win.
I'm so happy it was a success!
Wayward Haze
Thanks, bud! Me too! There was a couple with an adorable doggo running around, so I did a sketch card of him and gave it to them just because it was so fun to watch them ... they were in love and it made me so happy
fistbumps about dying of new album
Wayward Haze
Wayward Haze
NEXT UP IS PRIDE and I'm so so so excited about it
Wayward Haze
Gonna do flag-layer resin bottles with tiny dragons and unicorns and other critters in ... and gemstone grids ... and hopefully some more simple designs with fun phrases