Goose Botherer
Would my character survive in your character's canon?
Goose Botherer
as a full AU version presumably
Goose Botherer
since he's immortal-ish as is
Mrs. Sheepie
i have some Thoughts as jedao as a Dear Listener but that is some bullshit levels of confusing, lmfao
There is a fair amount of horrifying immoral science bullshit in Saiyuki, so in that setting Jedao has probably been experimented on to turn him into a superpowered youkai and lost a bunch of his memories as a side effect. Sort of a foil to Goku...
he MIGHT survive or he might end up self-sacrificing in a terrible way that retraumatizes Goku because that seems to happen every time Goku makes a friend who isn't Sanzo
jedao does not survive eda, because there's a clear protagonist system
in Guardian, odds are very high he'd survive; he isn't likely to get recruited into the main team but unless he pulls a self-sacrifice move in the final conflict he'd safely get to leave after his arc. he's got too much quirky characterization and not enough moral culpability to die in his mini arc.
Goose Botherer
Jedao in Saiyuki sticking his head behind the 4th wall like "I'm not a friend, I'm a future terrible ex! can i get a pass here" /comes back to life in some appropriately horrific way
jedao turns out to be one of the warped sentient cloned animal experiments from heaven that's better at looking human-shaped than most of them were, regenerates through weird akira-style flesh bulges that smooth down into a human appearance as they heal--
(saiyuki is a batshit canon in many ways, but I love it)
Goose Botherer
that sounds right
Goose Botherer
oh oh oh
Goose Botherer
but for increasing Gonou's misery
Goose Botherer
he doesn't know, right. and due to some quirks of how his fleshbubble works, Jedao is continuing to lose memories if he gets too damaged
Goose Botherer
so he turns up again later but doesn't know them
Goose Botherer
man tho. Mrs. Sheepie based on ONLY THE FLIMSIEST OSMOSIS of Wolf Numbers
Goose Botherer
Jedao One as like. Chinese Military Space Person of some sort who 1) was a "volunteer" for some kinda decima-adjacent experiment 2) ended up lost in space like. as many years ago as is even vaguely plausible and 3) due to weird interactions between stasis and the experiment and idk wormholes he gets immortal but also his brain aggressively healing
Goose Botherer
cosmic ray damage destroys his memory
Goose Botherer
so Jedao Two eventually joins the plot just like. OH Wow It Looks Like I'm Not Literally Alone in the Universe cool cool cool cool
Goose Botherer
(looks around the station, counts) oh damn like 5 people. that's so great that there's 5 people :3
Goose Botherer
/minor piranesi vibes
honestly the problem with gonou not knowing someone he loves has survived what appears to be their death is that he'd make it like. one fight, after that. he'd just not be quite good enough at blocking hits.
... so the odds are that Jedao would come back with no memory of him, and the rest of the team would have to deal with that
(poor Gojyo, he'd take it very hard)
Goose Botherer
Kira🌵 gonou, tbh
Goose Botherer
someday I gotta do a terrible canon update and he's gone from the barge for like. a full 6 hours
gets back to find that gonou is already packed and has arranged with Iris to take him directly to the shuos academy for a rescue mission--