Vincent Gogh
so if you all want to start looking at castle rooms drop em here
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Jack and The Doctor's room
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and we can all talk about what we want for the common areas :3
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definitely has a secret passage in the fireplace
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alwaysterrible and yes theres for sure a tinker room somewhere
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and hallways could be sword dueling practice areas
𝓻𝓸𝓼𝓮-𝓽𝓲𝓷𝓽𝓮𝓭 possibly for pearl's room
she doesn't need a big room, she just wants to be around others
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and longer term thinking outside garden, astronomy tower and library
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alwaysterrible maybe the 'dungeon' is the tinker room?
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anyways feel free to look at common spaces too and we can talk about how we feel about those
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and the throne room could be the living room space?
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and on that note I want throne seats if only for Ten to sit in one improperly before they move them or toss em
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but yeah I think the throne room would be the best for the living room space, what do you all think?
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to be honest I like that for the throne room; no throne chairs and the sofas so everyone is equal
I like that!
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if anyone wants the throne chairs take them to your room
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not those paintings but yeah xD
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maybe they all paint their home worlds and those are in the living space?
Arrakis's room would be something like this but with a bit of steampunk flair but I can't find anything that combines the two styles orz
ooh I love the idea with the paintings!
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Air Ashari somehow forgot to ping you
Dungeon is good for tinker/forge/workshop. Red Son knows how to install air vents (and will need to be reminded of heat)
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Sometimes you're just all forms of fire proof
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Doctor could help him with that
Watch him stick his hand in molten metal by mistake one day
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and maybe Jack too; Jack is decent with tinkering
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Red Son is also stealing thrones-
He likes the flare
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sure go and have them - in your room
He can hang in 200 degrees but others cannot
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Ten is just gonna plop into throne chair sideways and have his knees over the arm, and be all "Nope these need to go"
He is also going to deck out the kitchen. Ninetyy percent of his cooking is great. The other ten is spicy death
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you're making me think of the Licktung game on the N64
"you have no appreciation for the aesthetic. Yoink"
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thats your cooking Red Son?
Sometimes you are a good cook, but peppers mean Nothing until people are signing waivers
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in the game theres like one spicy dish that makes the Pokemon run around like crazy
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oh Im sure The Doctor will love that he's getting real Chinese without having to go to The Ming dynasty
It is very real Chinese, this is family recipes thousands of years old
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he will for sure appreciate Red Son cooking
Father son bonding is conquering attempts and cooking
It is a roulette except the heat can be felt from the dishes so warning at least
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Vincent Gogh
so it is that mini game; knew it
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does Red Son know how to make the pastry with edible balls?
Probably not sushi though. He tries not to serve raw meat dishes, he's got an ambient temperature
I don't know what that is
Do you mean dessert ball things of bull testicles kind of thing-
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Im trying to find out what its called without logging into HBO and looking at Fear Her
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thank you google
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Because if it's the latter, no. He does not cook anything beef. Since his dad is a bull and he is part bull
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no those silver things there are edible balls
Oh, those are just glorified sprinkles. Yeah, he can do baking
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Red Son is finding the way to his hearts with his stomach xD
He can't do super fancy baking YET but he can make cupcakes
Arrakis loves spicy food! And baking had a special place in his heart. The family chefs always made him scones when he was upset
pearl likes only mild things right now. she's getting used to eating still. it's difficult for her. i hope she becomes less picky as time goes on
At least he knows mild dishes and Pearl made a good enough impression he's willing to make her a special portion
Red Son's low level spicy is like....upper tier Spice Challenge levels, his max literally sets anything flammable around it On Fire
Red Son has an aesthetic and he sticks to it
(we should have a castle post)
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I still need to drop 25 shards for running water/electricity; unless someone else wants to do it or we go without for a month?
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but yes, we should
I might be able to help with the running water/electricity. I need see how many shards I have first
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ok I have 16 in the bank and I should be able to find 9 more from this month
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awesome thank you ^^
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Is everyone cool with an OPEN IC invite for a castle party before the next Intense Event in June?
sounds great!
Air Ashari
sent in the request for running water and electricity for the castle!
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TwilightDrakyr has confirmed on Discord they are okay with a IC Open invite castle party
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Vincent Gogh
so that just leaves alwaysterrible
Red Son would grumble but relent because he knows what a house warming party is
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LOL oh Red Son
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is this what this? They just want to party xD
Red Son just not a party guy u_u
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its okay Red Son you can hide in the dungeon/ tinker room after a bit
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gotta have some fun demon
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but that said we need to get a basic idea of the layout before
Red Son would want his room close to the tinker room but honestly that may be best. That part of the castle is gonna be real warm
Probably close to an entrance since he'd be making stuff
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so will The Doctor and he will also help with the vents
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and they need window shutters :x
(including some guns so that'll be a fun talk with the Doctor)
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>.> yes yes it will be :x
Window shutter?
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Vincent Gogh
something to close the open windows because castles dont have anything
Oooh yeah
It'll take a bit to make and install windows
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they have time so start now before the snow comes
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if there is snow
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Ten hopes there is but he doesn't know
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he does know that its very wet like spring now
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and it wasn't before
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also dont want rain blowing in
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their time should probably be focused on making the vent for the tinker room and window panes to be honest
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though Jack is also handy with handyman stuff too
It'd probably only take a few days for windows at most, depends how many there are
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and once the babies hatch Doctor will have nights free
Red Son the workaholic
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they both are :x
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but Doctor can be convinced to come out to party
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he's not hopeless
Red Son has to be incentivized...or bullied
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The Doctor will try to incentivized someone just asking him for a few hours
Shards are incentive...for now
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LOL if Red Son points that out Doctor will give Red Son ALL of this shards :x
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shards dont mean anything to him
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take all his shards Red Son
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they mean nothing to him
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and Doctor will be making a lot of shards once his position at the medbay is approved
Jccjff Red Son just wants to stop feeling Cold
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ah his powers are still gone? >:
When we do more of the little g, Doctor is going to notice this boy is just shivering...all the time...
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he will get him a nice coat :-)
Yes. Be ause he doesn't know how it divides us so he's going for four hundred
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best of luck!
(AKA Red Son has a bunch of weird passive stuff so four hundred it is)
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nod nod
Red Son will side eye that cost So Hard
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The Doctor has minor weird abilites so thats why I did it too
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like his tongue thing
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it was more his being telepathic/mind-walker and being able to heal minor wounds that were the bigger things
What is fire generation versus fire control versus all around heat proof-
Heat proof is like fire demon thing but then there is the immortality recovering bits
(he can be killed for the game, but there is like being able to heal from things people usually can't if he isn't killed outright)
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yup! thats where The Doctor is now ^
He loses part of a kidney, it'll come back on its own
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he can take bigger falls than a normal person but there are still falls that will kill him
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he also doesnt techincally need to sleep right now but he does it for the eggs and Jack and Arrkis
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yes he could be getting work down but he also gets the nightmare thing
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because he had the nightmare thing when he had to sleep in the beginning
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but yes Doctor will get Red Son a nice coat till someone is a fiery demon again :3
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its just - so funny how rich The Doctor probably is with the medbay job
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and he doesnt care at all for the shards
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alwaysterrible but good luck with getting to 400 \o/
Red Son definitely working on it
Trying to be CORDIAL and offering to teach people things
And tagging sleeprs
He needs his powers back. Buying power is nice for later, BUT POWERS NOW
He will be so flabbergasted by coat, people don't get him things like this, its weird
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ah ha ha Azula thought the same thing
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also on that note DERP The Doctor did see snow
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can my work be over soon please?
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alwaysterrible so yes! there will be snow, Red Son, eventually
Red Son even more determined for shards
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Snow isn't a great time when he's running a 100 degrees as a baseline
It sucks the heat out of him, but at least he's still Warm, he just gets Tired
He does not want when he's like normal people degrees
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Doctor feels this
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expect he's cooler than average
110 degrees baseline more like. He just Feels Feverish All The Time To People
Since humans is actually 98 derp
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LOL they're so opposite
They really are
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and Time Lords are like under 98 degrees
Doctor is Old And Tired And Kind
Red Son is Old (in the vein of Doctor time) And Manic And A Tsundere Asshole
I cannot wait for a day to come
When the Doctor acts like he's So Old And Wise
and Red Son is like 'you are barely a YOUNG ADULT sir'
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nope the book doesnt say what temperature just
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"A lower body temperature allows us to survive in extreme temperatures"
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I mean Gallifrey has 2 suns
That is a lot of sun
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yes yes it is
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and its a desert planet on top of it
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I mean I would debate that Ten is a young adult
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especially given now that there's no end point for regenerating
Ten got some real weird maturity issues
That is Red Son's view
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yuuuuuup this is true
Red Son is basically 21 and looking at teh Doctor and he's baby 25 by his view
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yeah that sounds legit to be honest
He's EXTREMELY YOUNG for an immortal and he knows it, his parents are both 5000+
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13 is 2000 +
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and now - there's not a cap on regenerations so
I just think it will be interesting for the Doctor to have someone whose his age around and isn't trying to kill him-
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I did put in his app for Lab that his emotional age is a teenager
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unless you piss him off than you get a 1000 year old alien at you
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well Jack is emotionally a teenager too
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even if he's 120
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9 took away things from Rose and Jack maybe he shouldnt have had
Probably not no
Red Son just didn't socialize much because most of his life was training firepowers (in case the Samadhi Fire ever came back) and trying to free his father, so very busy, not much time with friends
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but if he hadn't The Doctor wouldn't be growing emotionally
Four hundred years old and never had a friend and then he gets Bullied
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because if he's 900 and emotionally a teenager
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that tells you something
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because Classic Doctor is - very emotionally stunted
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and why being able to care about those who died took take time to be hurt by it
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like - 4 did care deeply for Sarah but he reacts in anger which is very primitive toddler emotion
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but yes, Doctor could always use more that are emotionally around his age
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again I pointed out in the app that his Emotional age and Mental ages were different
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His mental age is 1000 years old
The fun of very long lived characters, sometimes they just Evolve Differently
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and again 1st Doctor really is Spock
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and is Spock for a very long time
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I would say when Adric dies with 5th Doctor The Doctor grew emotionally
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but he didnt react to stuff before that
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4 killed sometimes and would do that smile even when he did it :x
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which also is why there was a lot of feedback to the BBC
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because 4 was really a Dark Grey Hero and you really didnt do that in the 1970s
Sometimes you don't expect them from the time travel shenanigans man
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and Tom would reply that his character is an alien and doesnt have human emotions
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Which - 10 has now; empathy, sympathy, compassion
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it was more that the hero in the 1970s was a bit unsavory
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its not like today where we can accept the hero doing some unsavory things sometimes
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BUT these parents who were complaining also forgot
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This hero isn't human
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and they really wanted The Doctor kept Spock like back then and not have compassion, empathy, sympathy
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but on the flipside; some people don't like The Doctor having empathy, compassion and sympathy now
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but you know you cant please everyone and you also cant travel with humans for eons and not pick those up
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basically Doctor got to a point where it didnt make sense someone isnt emotionally growing
No matter how slow you age, gotta grow
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Especially when things come at you with a metal bat
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but anyways yes, it is always awesome for him to have another emotionally aged teenager around
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:3 to be honest I love that Red Son, Arrakis and Pearl are there because they're all immortals with his sorta issue
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and its great :3
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and Jack of course
Immortality Castle