Finally got a chance to consider event stuff, plotting inside!
I think the plan for Namine is she'll be getting Morgan le Fay as her character and thus be running around doing witchy things to support people on the ground level for a while/patching people up etc.
until at some point getting hit by one of Cupid's hate arrows and consequently losing both her temper and control of her powers for a little bit
Kind of like a mini-noctaere deal for her because it's been too long, she needs to finally snap someone or something in half with her powers
Anyhow she'll thereafter go hide and recover for a bit, so there are a broad range of options if anyone wants to do anything/watch her shank some bad guys (and possibly discombobulate anyone in the immediate vicinity)/get looked after
and or look after her
Trying to decide if Ira should be there for comfort or scary times or both
do you have a preference
I'm fine with whichever/both! Most of our other threads are pretty chill atm so some scary times wouldn't go amiss, but also the rest of the cast has plenty of angst going on too so... I'm happy to help balance your inbox with some comfort if you'd prefer that!!
I haven't sat down to really tag out yet so Ira's not quite In It yet, so I will keep options open I think
Sounds good! I also am unsure as to how things are gonna shake out since I haven't TLed yet myself
i would love to run into namine at some point! my habitual horribleness says it should be during her cupid hate-arrow incident, but i'd be open to other possibilities as well
Yes, good! As far as when I'm also open to possibilities but if the horribleness calls then follow your heart!! Also I'm gonna try to get a TL up for her at some point over the next few days so you're free to decide then/we can work something out
In any case she's mainly gonna be grinding bad guys into dust but there'll be memory shenanigans ongoing in the general vicinity as well if that appeals or prompts any ideas
(When she's hate-arrowed that is*)
Quick bump for this! Probably should have done that earlier in the day whoops
I would actually love to have nams with maruki but don't feel obligated
We need another thread so!! I'll take a look at that stuff when I get to tagouts and such c: I briefly passed by the prompt and was curious but didn't get a chance to sink my teeth into it
kind of a direct attack on her life points actually, what with the memory alteration
She will probably be very personally offended by that guy's whole deal honestly, doing that kind of stuff to people is a good way to get on her bad side
Since she knows how terribly that kind of power can screw people up and won't tolerate it happening around her if she realizes it's going on
Not that she doesn't get the temptation, but... unacceptable
That and having seen what went on in Akechi's dream a while back she's gonna be ready to very politely shank someone
but yeaaaahhh Maruki is a fascinating character that is absolutely morally horrific while also being motivated by entirely altruistic intentions
Sounds like it - that's always an excellent dichotomy Namine's got a bit of that deal too but has, you know, sensible boundaries so long as she's in a position to maintain those........ which is rarely in canon but she tries not to ruin peoples lives unless she has to