Zigzag Stampede
Me working on tags:
Bee on TikTok
Zigzag Stampede
Only not really, just amused at when things get taken a bit out of context. Or maybe in context. These are words Vash actually says in canon
Zigzag Stampede
although I failed a bit at tags tonight, but the house feels ready for the inspection we have tomorrow so I can sleep easy tonight
Zigzag Stampede
so worth it. Although I feel bad about the older tags I haven't got to yet. My brain just haven't been good at meatier tags right now. BUT HOPEFULLY THIS WEEKEND! (gym)
/takes you to bed
but this weekend you're supposed to be playing Tears of the Kingdom!
also Mother's Day <3 sorry love I didn't mean to make this weekend busy
Zigzag Stampede
That's okay, I knew there were a lot of birthdays this month
Zigzag Stampede
I expected most weekends to be full
Zigzag Stampede
I have tags that really need answering so I will be taking Zelda breaks to answer them
Zigzag Stampede
(LOL) not that I mean mother's day is a birthday, just that I knew my weekends were going to be packed this weekend