a space cocoon
Been streaming this game for almost a year? A little over I think I started in April of last year and I have repeatedly begged people not to spoil and made very clear what I consider a spoiler and have defined it multiple times. People continued to do so, so I finally changed my chat to emote only

a space cocoon
I didn't realize until then that mods could still chat in that mode and one of them still dropped small ones and last night two of them dropped a massive one and I'm jusy

a space cocoon
why is this so hard???

a space cocoon

a space cocoon
from the get go I fully acknowledged I would come across spoilers so I would be ok if it happened since I'm taking that risk myself by not having the patience to wait

I'm so sorry. That's so uncool of everyone involved.

a space cocoon
and everyone has been so much more considerate

a space cocoon
yea Im not streaming it anymore

completely understandable.

a space cocoon
like in RP I've only gotten a spoiler in knowing some names but having no context but my god

a space cocoon
I'm not looking forward to when I announce it and people ask why the two in question just doubling down and getting defensive about it. Obv I'm not gonna out them specifically but given they were the only ones who could talk they'll know it was them >_>

It won't be fun but your boundaries were set. They were thoughtless and overstepped them. If they do double down, it's them in the wrong.

ugh from mods..? That's just plain disrespectful tbh, you're trusting them to monitor your chat and they're ending up being the problem.

Many Birds
I'm so sorry

a space cocoon
thank you both

pure starfall
when I finally play this game I feel like i need to do it in complete secrecy so people don't jump me with spoilers

pure starfall
because i keep hearing about stuff like this dhkjshfj

a space cocoon
yeeeaaa I would suggest it ;;;;;

a space cocoon
as I mentioned before everyone I've roleplayed with have been very kid about it

pure starfall
: Oh pls talk to me about it if you ever do, I will just coo with delight as you get to certain points in the story

a space cocoon
I very explicitly was like "if we CAN avoid spoilers I'd appreciate it but I also known it would be best to wait till I'm all caught up before RPing from it so I understand it'll be in me"

pure starfall

a space cocoon
and they were all NO WE MUST NOT SPOIL!!!!

a space cocoon
and they have been true to that

a space cocoon
it's just people in my streams

pure starfall
and yeah i think rpers are good about it from what i've seen! it's more a general fandom thing, some people just have no spoiler filter

a space cocoon

Many Birds
it does feel like it's got weirder about that? idk idk. but if/when you do I hope you have a good time!

a space cocoon
thank you~

They're so rude I wish they'd be considerate that some people haven't played the game at the same time!

I am so so sorry;; I know how much you enjoy the game so I hope playing it on your own will give you a much better experience!

Holy fuck, those mods were inconsiderate.

ugh that's shitty of them. i hope you can avoid more spoilers

have a cute catlad

i hope it helps
