Scott McGregor 指出,正港CHINA中國對於西方民主國家存在著一個「終極作戰計畫」。而為了完成這個計畫,他們運用了大量CHINESE僑民 aka CHINESE DIASPORA,並透過黑道幫派滲透與老式商業收購等各種方法,影響加拿大與美國政局。 在提到CHINESE僑民協助中國發動混合戰,Scott McGregor他用「Diaspora(離散者)」而非「Immigration移民」,讓人玩味。「移民」的國籍跟自我認同事實上都會真的轉換,終有一天會成為移入國家的一份子,會效忠自己選擇移入的那個國家。但是CHINESE離散者們不是如此,他們無論搬到哪個地方,都不會效忠那個國家,會自己自成一格,甚至不介意破壞當地社會體制來謀取利益
The Mosaic Effect: How the Chinese Communist Party Started a Hybrid War in America’s Backyard……The Hybrid War Series Book Scott McGregor (Author), Ina Mitchell (Author), Ivy Li (Foreword), Finn Lau (Introduction, Contributor) There are two worlds out there — an “in the open” world where people go about their daily lives.
Locked in by borders and governed by laws. In this world, people live with a false sense of security in “the system”. Now juxtapose this with another world, a parallel world that operates in the shadows. In this world, a war has been waged by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) whose aim is to overthrow their main adversary —
the “United States of America”, and with that, dominate the globe by 2050. The CCP isn’t just in America’s backyard — they are at their backdoor. The Mosaic Effect How the Chinese Communist Party Started a Hybrid War in America’s Backyard
Scott McGregor 是加拿大前任情報官員,曾服務於五眼聯盟。在這本《馬賽克效應》作,他指出中國透過長達三十多年的真假身分移民,成功破解美國的北方邊防,大膽的走入美國的華盛頓特區。中國沿著北緯 49 度線建立了一個行動基地,這是美國和加拿大的分界線,也是世界上最大的未設防邊界
在提到CHINESE僑民協助中國發動混合戰,Scott McGregor他用「Diaspora(離散者)」而非「Immigration移民」,讓人玩味。「移民」的國籍跟自我認同事實上都會真的轉換,終有一天會成為移入國家的一份子,會效忠自己選擇移入的那個國家。但是CHINESE離散者們不是如此,他們無論搬到哪個地方,都不會效忠那個國家,會自己自成一格,甚至不介意破壞當地社會體制來謀取利益
Scott McGregor (Author), Ina Mitchell (Author), Ivy Li (Foreword), Finn Lau (Introduction, Contributor)
There are two worlds out there — an “in the open” world where people go about their daily lives.