big big jugs
big big jugs
back at work, time is a flat circle because I'm still recovering from the stomach bug and I feel almost exactly like I did when I was pregnant
big big jugs
me, deliberating on taking a nap during my lunch break: here I thought I wouldn't do this anymore after the baby came
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I missed my team tho and I am happy to chat with them again
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I'm still so fucking weak I'm dying
marine parkour
i took a nap and i don't have a baby or an illness, full support
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bless my manager, I just had my Welcome Back meeting with him and we spent most of it bitching about AI
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big big jugs lashes
fleshy barbie
model baby
an absolute cutie
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I get to work on a project I thought I had missed and I am Thrilled
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it's not a huge secret what it is but I will not say so just to be safe
big big jugs fuck yeah love a druid
fleshy barbie
surrounded by beasts and familiars, seems legit
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I did it for Pippin too and he's a bard
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an "Aarakocra" which is not a thing I'm familiar with
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pippin will bring down the sky to protect Baby
fleshy barbie
what a perfect soft boy
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someday we can make a fantasy comic for kids about our dog adventuring party
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Penny the stalwart tank, Xena the hobgoblin DPS, Pippin the gentle and principled caster
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and Peter
fleshy barbie
peter the large brick
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big big jugs
the cat version is just Oops All Goblins
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Sterling the goblin queen
marine parkour
I assume Peter is a ranger for his bffhood w all living creatures (except raccoons) (he wants to fight them)
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oh I love it
fleshy barbie
just a large friend
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his head is full of thoughts I can see them from here
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we are having our first Working With Callen At Home Friday and it's going pretty well actually
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he's lying in the pack & play beside me chatting to himself
fleshy barbie
what a good little coworker
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Callen says books are for eating
marine parkour
hes right
senza verdura
his mind
I mean can confirm that many agree with callen about eating books
big big jugs bread
me like wait a second this cat is familiar
𝓫𝓻𝓾𝓳𝓪 𝓮𝓼𝓹𝓪𝓬𝓲𝓪𝓵🌙
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creatures of Sunday
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(they’re the same)
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we are going thru it today, I have no idea what Callen’s problem is but every few hours he’s been just losing his mind
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totally inconsolable and won’t fall asleep unless someone is holding him, which is unusual
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maybe a sleep regression? we keep thinking it’s happening and maybe this is finally it, but it may also have happened already. No clue
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He goes in for his four month appointment tomorrow so at least I can ask the doc about it. We called the nurse line earlier today but he chilled out and was giggling while I was on the phone with them so it was like, well he’s obviously somewhat okay
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tiny nonverbal human please throw me a hint
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face exploding today, I hope it is just allergies and not More Illness
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facesplosion still occurring, I had to reschedule my dermatology appointment
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which makes me a little nervous but I guess if I have skin cancer again they can just cut it out again. what an exciting consideration for the rest of my life
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fingers crossed if it does come back please not on my face
fleshy barbie
ugggh skin. fingers crossed for ya.
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ty, at least I get to forget about it until june
big big jugs him
fleshy barbie
the daintiest toe
augh i'm sorry you're sick! pippin is wonderful
big big jugs
suffering continues as my cintiq has stopped working on my work computer
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are we gonna go for four machines in four years?? let's find out
gayest uncle
oh nooo
just donna
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the answer, by the way, is yes
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marine parkour
what is going ON
shit!! i'm sorry dude
big big jugs
Vienna Teng is here in early August, Chris and I are gonna go see her \o/
six to one
six to one
big big jugs dad hand
just donna
oh shit that kid is PERCEIVING
big big jugs
big big jugs
fleshy barbie
next eurovision ballad singer
chin 🥹
𝕙𝕦𝕘𝕖 𝕛𝕠𝕣𝕥𝕤
i wanna squish his cheeks