Ceejay Writer
This will soon be us, but with tomato cages. Those legs NEVER go straight into the ground without hitting an old fallout shelter or a meteor or a Mt. Rushmore face. https://images.plurk.com/1FjJyOPxBK3iz5XzlB7FTX.jpg
That's the annual placing of peony rings for us.
That cartoon is by Bil Keane
Bil Keane - Wikipedia
I had a dream about the opposite situation last night. I stuck in one of my tall tomato stakes and could feel an enormous gopher-created cavern below. (LOL)
Ceejay Writer
Yep Polly! I recognized his style before I noticed his name.
Ceejay Writer
ProfPaperclip - you remind me of a nightmare I sometimes have, where there's a HUGE cavern underneath the house and yard. I fell into it once through a crack in the garage.