截圖的是「Children as citizens 」這段: 「Calls to “protect the children” from drag performers and trans people assume children are, in fact, in need of safeguarding.
Such messaging is rooted in a tendency for Western societies to reduce childhood to an idyllic innocence, which positions children as “in need of protection” and amplifies their constant vulnerability.
呼籲“保護兒童”免受變裝表演者和跨性別者的傷害的假設是,兒童實際上需要保護。 (Calls to “protect the children” from drag performers and trans people assume children are, in fact, in need of safeguarding.)
這種信息的根源在於西方社會傾向於將童年簡化為田園詩般的純真,這將兒童定位為“需要保護”並放大了他們持續的脆弱性。 (Such messaging is rooted in a tendency for Western societies to reduce childhood to an idyllic innocence, which positions children as “in need of protection” and amplifies their constant vulnerability.)
變裝和酷兒表演研究能讓人了解性別(gender)是作為日常表演的理解(Drag and queer performance studies have given rise to understandings of gender as an everyday performance):從我們挑選的衣服,到我們在超市裡傾向的產品,到我們反復的身體動作和聲音姿態表現。
但是變裝讓我們對社會性別建構提出質疑(to question the socially constructed nature of gender)、為孩子們提供了一種可自決的願景(a vision of self-determination)。你可以做你想做的事,你可以成為你想成為的人。(You can do what you want to do, you can be who you want to be.)
哲學家大衛·哈維 (David Harvey) 將“自由玩耍(free play)”的時刻稱為探索和表達廣泛思想,承擔權力結構和社會實踐的挑戰,以及對我們如何構建和支持社區去想像斬新可能性。 (Philosopher David Harvey refers to moments of “free play” as fertile ways of exploring and expressing a vast range of ideas, of taking on power structures and social practices, and imagining new possibilities for how we structure and support community.)
『孩子的洞察力』 在全民投票後的澳大利亞,反對為兒童舉辦變裝主題活動的目標運動的成功, 暴露了哪些是針對兒童 "可接受的 "酷兒表達方式(for children exposes certain conditions around what are “acceptable” encounters of queer expression for children)。
與兒童有關的變裝表演者的形象引起了一些人的強烈反應,因為它是進步和變化的形象,是酷兒接受和愛的形象,與這個國家長期的同性戀恐懼症和跨性別恐懼症形成鮮明對比。(The image of a drag performer in relation to a child elicits violent responses for some because it is an image of progress and change and of queer acceptance and love set against a long history of homophobia and transphobia in this country)
「這篇文章令人毛骨悚然。作者聽起來很像 60 年代的 PIE 活動家。 Liz Kelly 指出,“‘兒童權利(Children’s rights)’在那個時代是一個矛盾修辭法,這也創造了一個可以表達他們對性的‘權利’的空間”( their “right” to sexuality could be articulated” )」
這只是一篇可怕的、荒謬的文章,由兩個對兒童發展或兒童保護一無所知的人撰寫。 它能張貼出來代表非比尋常。文章」
「Calls to “protect the children” from drag performers and trans people assume children are, in fact, in need of safeguarding.
Such messaging is rooted in a tendency for Western societies to reduce childhood to an idyllic innocence, which positions children as “in need of protection” and amplifies their constant vulnerability.
兒童的脆弱性在促使 1989 年通過《聯合國兒童權利公約》方面發揮了關鍵作用。」
【有沒有人想一想孩子們? 在拖沓的故事時間的道德恐慌中,他們的代理權(agency)被忽略了】
這些活動的核心信息(伴隨著不同程度的謾罵)是相同的:"讓我們的孩子成為孩子"、"保護我們的孩子 "和 "放開我們的孩子",同時給表演者和活動的支持者貼上 "戀童癖 "的標籤。
但迄今為止的辯論卻忽視了這些活動的目標受眾:兒童和年輕人的代理權和權利(agency and rights)。
(Calls to “protect the children” from drag performers and trans people assume children are, in fact, in need of safeguarding.)
(Such messaging is rooted in a tendency for Western societies to reduce childhood to an idyllic innocence, which positions children as “in need of protection” and amplifies their constant vulnerability.)
兒童的脆弱性在促使 1989 年通過《聯合國兒童權利公約》方面發揮了關鍵作用。
變裝和酷兒表演研究能讓人了解性別(gender)是作為日常表演的理解(Drag and queer performance studies have given rise to understandings of gender as an everyday performance):從我們挑選的衣服,到我們在超市裡傾向的產品,到我們反復的身體動作和聲音姿態表現。
但是變裝讓我們對社會性別建構提出質疑(to question the socially constructed nature of gender)、為孩子們提供了一種可自決的願景(a vision of self-determination)。你可以做你想做的事,你可以成為你想成為的人。(You can do what you want to do, you can be who you want to be.)
(Philosopher David Harvey refers to moments of “free play” as fertile ways of exploring and expressing a vast range of ideas, of taking on power structures and social practices, and imagining new possibilities for how we structure and support community.)
暴露了哪些是針對兒童 "可接受的 "酷兒表達方式(for children exposes certain conditions around what are “acceptable” encounters of queer expression for children)。
蒙納士市議會抗議中心的變裝故事時間活動仍定於 5 月 19 日在奧克利圖書館舉行。在撰寫本文時,取消該活動的在線請願有 820 名支持者,而另一名支持該活動的人 有超過 3,300 個簽名。
在辯論權利和代理權時,也許是時候問一問,並以兒童的洞察力為指導。(In debating rights and agency, perhaps it’s time to ask and be guided by the insights of the child.)
Sarah Phillimore「的確。通常很容易從孩子那裡得到服從——這就是為什麼大多數孩子們表情明顯不開心。」
「這篇文章令人毛骨悚然。作者聽起來很像 60 年代的 PIE 活動家。 Liz Kelly 指出,“‘兒童權利(Children’s rights)’在那個時代是一個矛盾修辭法,這也創造了一個可以表達他們對性的‘權利’的空間”( their “right” to sexuality could be articulated” )」