daily chatter plurk. also, if anyone wants to bounce off ideas for what-if wednesday, you know that's my forever jam!
today is day 3 of my return to home workouts and i decided wednesdays would be dance, which i eventually narrowed to dance tutorials bc it should be fun + you'll never really know when you need a dance routine ready (LOL)
The Greatest Showman | "Come Alive" (BEGINNER DANCE ...
i'll get to the musical numbers eventually, just easing myself back into the game for the most part. and i will still have a separate day to do a hiphop dance workout or something, bc i'm not the greatest dancer in the world and i could use the practice hahaha
so far, it's been:
monday - stretch
tuesday - body combat
wednesday - dance tutorial
i'll probably repeat that, with a "break" in the middle, though the break will still be exercise of some form, and the routines will vary so my body doesn't entirely get used to them. i'm feeling so much lighter even after 2 days, so i'm happy!
and i never really deprive myself of food, just cut down portions and the like, so when i craved doritos last night i ate some. i've found it's better for me that way versus foregoing something entirely :-)
now, on to plans... i still have to write the prequel short story for from silje's POV. i have 80% of the outline, which is as far as i go really when outlining, since Things Happen while writing, you know?
liz knows how many times we've "winged it" in writing these books, and how things can continue to change up until we hit "publish" (LOL)
(so far, book 2 isn't facing drastic changes, just little additions here and there like ada going to the bathroom but, like, that final scene wasn't even in the original outline or first draft bc IT JUST HAPPENED )
a submission call also went up back home for an antho, so i'm giving it a think! it's filipino scifi in general, and they listed subgenres - i had an old short that's actually dystopian, and, well, they listed a category of "parallel worlds" and my brain definitely went !!!!!! to no one's surprise...................................
hilariously, on that note i recalled a convo hubby and i had sometime back, about what if britain colonized the PH... WE WANT TRAINS OKAY. and english breakfast is filipino breakfast already anyway, just change hash browns to rice, sausage to longganisa
anyway, i'll definitely write something far less mundane than that, but incidentally i was thinking about philippine steampunk yesterday and, well. this is my chance apparently??
i also want to keep submitting to that publisher because it gets my name out to its readers, and hopefully those readers find the trilogy since we're having that publisher print and distribute them
i'm already in one of their fantasy anthos, hoping to get into the next one, or idk i actually write a mini-antho and get it out myself??? i plan to have them print and distribute anything i put out on amazon, so.
... i inventoried my short stories and i actually have 20??? and nearly each with worlds i could further expand on. huh
from the leaves
Ohhh, that is awesome!
from the leaves
In general, that workout plan also sounds very fun
mc syndrome.
good going, having so many stories to work with!!
mc syndrome.
also, this is just me being silly, BUT WHAT IF germaine died and became hel's secretary in the underworld? not sure how much bureaucracy there is with the norse, but i do imagine that whatever bureucracy death entails in norse myth is going to be really fucking chaotic and germaine is having absolutely none of it, so.
𝔚𝔦𝔫𝔱𝔢𝔯'𝔰 𝔎𝔦𝔰𝔰
But look each version of a winged it change is so fun, and every time we shift things it gets better and more flushed out and it’s so fun!

Also, omg you could totally make your own Antho with that many shorts hahah go you!!
𝔚𝔦𝔫𝔱𝔢𝔯'𝔰 𝔎𝔦𝔰𝔰
I’m not awake, I am an illusion
from the leaves
𝔚𝔦𝔫𝔱𝔢𝔯'𝔰 𝔎𝔦𝔰𝔰 : I haven't had coffee yet, so nothing is real. I do not see you, you do not exist yet
from the leaves
But yeah, you can definitely put a collection together with that many stories!
from the leaves 𝔚𝔦𝔫𝔱𝔢𝔯'𝔰 𝔎𝔦𝔰𝔰 so 10 of those 20 are already published (or will be, there's one antho that's still pending release) and a few i'm editing to resubmit to calls. i'm planning some collections but i want them to at least have a unifying theme since the stories right now are all over the place (LOL)
thanks to you particularly from the leaves i'm planning to ramp up writing shorts!
i don't see you either, you don't exist 𝔚𝔦𝔫𝔱𝔢𝔯'𝔰 𝔎𝔦𝔰𝔰 LMAO
mc syndrome. that actually is way more possible than you think! hahaha i'm going to ping you on discord bc some spoilers (tongue)
from the leaves
Ah, yeah. That makes sense but I am so excited to see you even putting the pieces together so you can start working towards these sot of goals
yeah i just spent a good chunk of my time inventory-ing my short stories and actually organizing my local drive so i can find them easier. and i also realize some stuff i'm missing, there's at least one i pretty sure i started writing but can't find now oh no
𝔚𝔦𝔫𝔱𝔢𝔯'𝔰 𝔎𝔦𝔰𝔰
That’s exciting! :-) and also makes sense for the anthos to have themes :-)
good, good! Lmao! Someone tell my brain I have three more hours to be awake
𝔚𝔦𝔫𝔱𝔢𝔯'𝔰 𝔎𝔦𝔰𝔰
Also I hate when I know I started writing something but can’t seem to find the file. Dear file, don’t hide from her!
hilariously, i have two near-completed novels and... they're romance?? i'll also revisit these at some point and get them to a publishable state. i think i'm going to revamp the one that has no fantasy element into something with fantasy just to keep it on my brand with my general stuff haha
from the leaves
Yay plans!
mc syndrome.
ooh the publisher is doing a submission call for modern asian mythology too, excellent
from the leaves
:-o ooooh
from the leaves
Do the thiiiing
i have a month, i hope to! i just need to get the book 2 stuff done and hopefully still have time for it (p-goodluck)
mc syndrome.
it is soooo funny
mc syndrome.
i am dying
mc syndrome.
germaine will get them toy lightsabers.
mc syndrome.
red and white.
mc syndrome.
the british are red.
mc syndrome.
when the tea time alarm goes off, the french can bring in their can can dancers (LOL)
mc syndrome.
mc syndrome.
don't tempt them
I'm pretty sure you could guess what I want for an AU. (LOL)
I feel bad beating a proverbial dead horse about it, though, so it's okay.
mc syndrome. hel and hodr return during tea break and loki's dancing with the can can dancers (in a dress too obvs) and she's just, sigh, DAD PLZ
at least hodr doesn't have to see any of it
CallMeShayna maybe someday i'll be able to figure something out! when i have time to like, read up on stuff and get a better understanding of things (LOL)
mc syndrome.
ᴋᴀᴢɪᴇ hahahahha, i love loki. "dad, please"!
hel's just facepalming hahaha
mc syndrome.
claude in my head was just like, dilf??
okay i only got through a third of the dance but that was fun??? sure my coordination is always challenged when it's time to put it all together, but i also like the mental gymnastics of having to remember everything that has to move. i did a 13-minute stretch before i started then finished with three 1-minute planks since it's the third day.
i will continue the dance tomorrow, so i guess the cycle now is stretch / body combat / 2-day dance woohoo
anyway i'm still not over this thread hahahaha i still crack up when i read it (LOL)
mc syndrome.
it is a great thread, lol.
mc syndrome.
loving the set-up.
mc syndrome. imagine the hilarity if loki wants a thing and hel goes "no, dad, talk to germaine first" so germaine has the trickster bothering her a lot
"i want to build a theme park made of nothing but inflatables" "can we have a knife-throwing contest" "why is there no train station in front of my house"
"i want goats"
"because thor has goats"
mc syndrome.
and germaine will just be: if you want goats, you must birth them yourself. i am not the one who makes the rules, loki.
mc syndrome. OH NO DON'T TELL HIM THAT---
he will do it. he will (rofl)
(not that the dead can procreate but he's going to try hahahahahaha)
mc syndrome.
germaine's job here is done
hel just
this is all continuing to be too funny i love it (LOL)
mc syndrome.
it is an amazing scenario to imagine.