i dreamed i was in china with family (i remember my parents and sanyi but not the rest) and for some reason i found myself stopping at a small grocery store where i picked up a bunch of things i didn't need and started carefully cutting open a bag of mayonnaise at the register while the girl behind me struck up conversation
then i remembered i needed to pay before opening things, so i reached into my purse and pulled out a coupon? before finding my wallet and trying again, only to discover that my credit card was gone and all my money was replaced with those little advertising cards they pass out on the street
luckily my parents caught up and helped pay for it all but i was still very distressed about getting robbed, and then i got lured by an apparent friend (possibly dana?) to stay at her humongous mansion that she'd inherited from her dad
dream dana was living with her boyfriend who looked like a steve, and she refused to use the master bedroom because it was a humongous red and gold room with a red and gold bed the size of my kitchen/dining area and a huge red tapestry hanging over it that had a gold painted bas relief carving of dad as a naked roman in the middle
dream dana looked kinda like dana but she dressed more like my friend cassandra from high school...anyway my phone was full of apps i didn't recognize and i couldn't find any of the apps i actually use and when i got to dana's dreamhouse mansion it was full of mediums? apparently she and steve were renting it out as a hostel specifically for mediums
except the mediums didn't get along because they were all from different schools of mediuming, and when i got there the place was already kinda dusty and cluttered but started getting worse over time like it was fast forwarding to the future, only i'm confident not even a day passed and the people were all moving normally so it was just the house
for some reason i had a bunch of dakimakura size double-sided black and white printouts of what appeared to be mainly enstars fanart? folded up in my bag? by double sided i mean two entirely different pictures
i also found an nsfw sketch of sasuke with all the girls (there were only two) while naruto and someone else were exhausted in the background? anyway then guests started coming in because whichever area this was, was sanyi's one room massage office? i stayed just long enough to see her order all these white tourists to climb onto the beds in unison
umm so i started wandering and at this point everything looked extremely rundown and there was this super tall white guy with a long beard just hanging around the stairs who was nice enough to give me some extremely basic info about where things were
also a guy came up while we were talking and started acting really weird like he thought he was some kinda animal, and then he got taken away
ummm something something the last thing i remember is trying to get to the door on the left at the end of a little wooden hallway, only the door at the full end belonged to elon musk and there were hugs sacks of potatoes littered all over the place and when i finally got to the door it opened outwards and smacked into elon's door
he was apparently very desperate for company because you could immediately hear him yell a muffled something about visitors here to see him and then scramble to open his door
i quickly dodged into the side room before he could catch me, but somehow he ended up in the room with me looking just as confused as me about it? also he looked like bill gates but on the inside he was definitely elon
i feel like he said something here but that's where i woke up