Couple behead themselves with homemade guillotine in... "The couple’s two children, ages 12 and 13, found their headless torsos when they returned home from visiting their uncle in a nearby village, where they had been sent by their parents the day before." 天啊這個心理陰影......
"Shafi was said to have befriended the couple through social media after creating a fake profile, then encouraged them to carry out the sacrifice. " 這個Shafi和去年十月發生的一起誘拐、綁架與斬首兩名女性的恐怖事件有關,之前案發時已與可能的共犯一起被拘留。
"The couple’s two children, ages 12 and 13, found their headless torsos when they returned home from visiting their uncle in a nearby village, where they had been sent by their parents the day before."