Essek Thelyss's mind palace is the container store-- he is obsessed with cat toebeans and he makes up terrible puns in his mind which he has only shared with Caleb
Caleb Widogast keeps waltz time in his head which helps him focus-- so if he is concentrating, he is also keeping time in his head, likely to something that sounds suspiciously like strauss
My WoL collects cute things and stress crafts, Aerith picks up music from other people and hums it when it gets stuck in her head but it frustrates her when she doesn't know all of it or where it comes from
: i love this so much- my aerith muse makes cute little horror themed cupcakes (like with candy glass shards and everything) and adores horror movies
I had a Star Wars TTRPG character that was deathly afraid of heights, which is hilarious to me because they spend most of their time in a spaceship. He gets super motion sick and dizzy anywhere near windows, so when in flight he does his best to stay away from any windows. The darkness of space isn't as bad as like flight/takeoff or ground flight--
but like, he is aware they are flying and the endless black is terrifyingly uncomfortable and he can only think of all the awful things that can happen so he'd rather not
Revel Jackdaw has a thing about his Very Good Boots and if he can't wear them he's not going. Well, maybe that part isn't entirely accurate, but close. He keeps them clean and will literally clean them between errands if it's raining or muddy.
I have a Kenku Warlock/Wizard who's patron manifests as a mouse she keeps with her. When she gets frustrated about spells, she feeds the paper to her patron.
also, re: Caleb Widogast - points to that time that he tried to blast a necromancy emerald off a pillar in Eiselcross and, when he failed at getting what he wanted, flipped it off and said "I defeated Vokodo"
my DAI inqusitor elf makes a pile of furs and pillows and blankets in front of the fireplace in the giant ass room they give him in skyhold instead of sleeping in the bed
my d&d character Sagรฉ hates eggs
...this is a man who dropped out of high school and thinks he's dumb, but he has studied coffee in depth.
how bisexual and autistic can you be?