a space cocoon
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a space cocoon
morning boop
Catgirl Crimes
18 and 26 Ysayle and Estinien go
spoony bard
9, 23, 25, 26, 29 for Ysayle and a ship of your choice
a space cocoon
-cracks knuckles-
a space cocoon
a space cocoon
18) Who talks to the other while they are sleeping?
a space cocoon
I feel that Ysayle is a very light sleeper though honestly I can see that being the case for Estinien too (thinking)
a space cocoon
So it's a little harder to imagine this since neither would want to wake the other up buuuuut if I had to pick I'd saaay
a space cocoon
Probably Estinien? A lot of my interpretation of him is based on how Chelsea RPs him and with his hesitation to express his Big Feelings directly to her for fear of overwhelming her he probably takes those quiet moments when she's curled up next to him to say them
a space cocoon
She'd be more direct
a space cocoon
26) Who kissed first?
a space cocoon
Ysayle was the first to kiss in Noctium and I think in most cases she'd make the first move too. The biggest hurdle for her would just be concern over if she's being intrusive on his and Aymeric's relationship and if she's actually wanted and not just being obliged but once she gets past those she isn't shy
a space cocoon
And my gods she has been pent up for so long holding out for a dragon she wants to be intimate with someone, god damnit
a space cocoon
okie! Let's go with Haurche cause why not
a space cocoon
a space cocoon
9) Who wakes the other up in the middle of the night to tell them a cool dream they had? Who has the most nightmares, and who sings them back to sleep after?
a space cocoon
a space cocoon
It's hard to imagine either of them waking the other up since they know sleep is important and they have Concerns about each other
a space cocoon
I feel like the more excitable one would be Haurche but also at least until he gets past the putting the person he loves on a pedestal I see him reticent to do something like that??
a space cocoon
So....by default I guess Ysayle is the 'more likely' but that just seems so unlike her
a space cocoon
So real answer would be neither
a space cocoon
Ysayle does have nightmares especially with crazy shit she's see due to the Echo so probably her. And Haurche being the more poetic one and having considered becoming a bard has the much nicer singing abilities
a space cocoon
23) Who thinks they are not good enough for the others love? and who’s more afraid of loosing the other? Who thinks they keep messing up, only for the other to tell them they don’t need to worry?
a space cocoon
a space cocoon
Which would make Ysayle Very Upset because she loves that man but sometimes she wants to wring him for taking on the negative traits of being a Knight (TM) as well
a space cocoon
Like she'll have her uncertainties as well especially following the whole Hraes fiasco but they definitely would not be as bad as Haurche's so once she feels comfortable she's just
a space cocoon
Well ok
a space cocoon
I have to make sure he understands
a space cocoon
aggressively tells him he is her equal and she loves him
a space cocoon
25) Who says shitty puns and sex jokes just to see the other giggle and blush?
a space cocoon
Haurchefant LMAO
a space cocoon
And everytime Ysayle is just like >:|
a space cocoon
then turn her head and give the tiniest snerk before saying they are terrible
a space cocoon
26) Who kissed first?
a space cocoon
a space cocoon
I'm inclined to say Ysayle
a space cocoon
29) Who does some crazy stunt to try and impress the other and who ends up driving them to the emergency room after it backfires?
a space cocoon
Sacrificial dumbasses both try something and then the WoL just fucking SIGHS and takes them both