Arthur, 11: i actually thought way too long about backstory stuff for arthur, and i think one of the first things i decided was his age. bc he's said to be a relatively young guy, i decided to settle on 1903 as his DOB. I actually still haven't decided a lot of details about Faroe (like her birthday) which is highly relevant to arthur's general life
Eiffel, 11: Eiffel's was his PB, funnily enough. arthur is the equivalent of a single brain cell ginger cat except where he's ridiculously smart, so i needed a curly ginger Generic White Boy and TJ Thyne was just THERE when my wife and i were watching Bones
Tim, 11: tim's was probably his PB too, bc i needed a like. classically handsome business casual sort of man, haha. thank you elliot knight for also turning out to be queer, i feel incredibly validated. same for eiffel in that i've not thought much about his life pre-canon, but i've got some titbits i pull out on occasion
Arthur, 33: Mercy is knowing something has the potential to kill you, and still choosing the kindest thing you can by them in the circumstances. mercy is always an active choice and not one arthur thinks he deserves from others
Eiffel, 37: eiffel would resort to aggressively pantomiming before he remembers he knows ASL, and then remembers no one else knows ASL and then he would remember text is an option
Eiffel, 14: this is a joke, eiffel ABSOLUTELY does not follow the rules except where he's been threatened/harangued into doing so. literally he got discharged from the military because of it
...although since his update he has been unwillingly adopting positions of authority and he haaaaaaates it, he feels so fucking dirty. like he wandered into fuckin topsy turvy land
Arthur, 5: before John it would have been going to a diner with Parker, shooting the shit and playing dumb observation games to keep themselves busy, tidying their office or catching up on paperwork. after John, on the Barge, it's usually spending the day in and listening to radio shows or reading while John cooks
Tim, 15: Tim is dangerous now, in a physical sense bc he can absolutely lay someone out if he fucking tries. perks of training with kiryu! less so now he's in a good mental place but still totally possible is him being an absolute ice cold bitch and cutting people down verbally, but that's a very situational thing
Tim, 17: he genuinely does his best to be actually open and vulnerable, especially bc it helped so much with Jacobi's own graduation having that solidarity, but he's also the kind of guy who wears his heart on his sleeve. so for his friends he's pretty easy to get to know! and he's got a pretty wide social circle on the Barge so he's doing well atm : D
Hunter, 28: i don't think Hunter as he is now would be capable of being a villain, since he knows how to recognise now when he's being manipulated by someone that wants to outright use him for their shoddy definition of Greater Good. he'd have to be actively forced into it, which is a whole other kind of traumatising for him 8D
Hunter, 32: hunter thinks his worst choice personally is falling for Belos's tricks, especially the part that lead to him getting possessed and Flapjack dying
he's getting better at the part where he knows belos tricked him and it's not his fault! but he still poked the goop, and he still remembers it being his hand that broke flapjack's body
and not one arthur thinks he deserves from othersi need to catch up on the last several episodes