this isn't like a liveplurk or anything, just where i will post updates when my ocs have finished a class and are seeking new groups. when i post updates if there isn't a bobble head listed, that means there is no change for them
+ April 3rd + still in classes need group for library 📚 Open for any! Will be finishing class soon and open for any! heading on an expedition 🏜️ with Lyerina and seeking more party members somewhat unrelated but i wanted to flex this little qol update i made to my tracker since i have so many bitches they go off the screen (not all of them are in a class, so this is helpful)
also since looking at the 'at a glance' tab sometimes overwhelms me, i have my Quick Guide (i keep the library stories in a doc so they're easier to read and i can highlight em)
vida has her next class planned out and ready to go once cleo's class is finished, they are gonna go to zoology with aislinn if anyone is interested and okay with waiting
+ April 7th + have finished up their activities/classes and ready for more! i'll probs be slow tomorrow tho so i'll hold off on making too many plans until i'm back
i feel like my ooooone problem with e12 is that since we aren't with the same group the entire event and are responsible for finding our own groups, i feel like 30 days is not enough time to spend with the event
the event is nearly half over and none of my characters have gotten past day 2.... the point of the event isn't to be a completionist and finish all 14 days, but there's so many classes i'm not sure i'll get to have my ocs take since the event feels so short
i think.... once my ocs are done with their classes i'm gonna put the low priority ocs on the bench until my trip is over. vida is still gonna be in rotation as well as cleo since they're the two that will get the most out of School
+ April 18 + finished with class and benched until i'm back almost finished with their class mechanic and will be benched until i'm back finished with class and has plans finished rolling for class mechanic
it's maybe unrealistic to want aome to be in rotation too while i'm on the trip but i've been having so much fun with aome Going To School and doing things
as a heads for anyone who is interested in speedrunning some classes, once I'm back from my trip I do plan on going into turbo mode with at least vida and Cleo, maybe also aome. if this appeals to anyone.... you know where to find me
Notable Goals finish medicine electives, visit the lab a few more times, go on at least one ruins expedition, go to civil engineering with the gorls, combat 301 she's a combat major but I kinda wanna do some history with her teehee (also, I've seen most of the combat classes except for 301) more tech classes!!! more expeditions!!!
anyways now that i'm home from my trip +April 28th+ free and ready to mingle entering a class in the void on reserve, but i might throw her into something quick since i'm Chomping At the Bit
hmm... i think once most of my ocs wrap up this current round of classes, i'm gonna just focus on the ocs that i have like concrete goals/plans for the last four or so days left... i can feel the fatigue looming over my head
May 12 in the void for the rest of the event unless someone needs an extra person two activities away from being finished this will probably be their last activity one more activity left in her last planned activity in the queue for her last activity
I'm a little sad there's a few classes I didn't manage to grab while the event was in session (combat 301, both of the history electives) but I'm def at my limit for e12 anyway so I don't think I would want to throw anymore people beyond what I have planned into classes
i hope i do not come across as pushy when i share my plans for vida.... everyone else i'm pretty flexible about but she has pretty concrete plans that i would like to fulfill my policy is that being transparent about my expectations will keep people from signing up for something that will make them feel overwhelmed
i am not sure whether i'll manage to fulfill those plans since there'd be no point in gathering a group and not giving it the time it deserves... but i will certainly try
alright..... Final Update, May 14 will be starting her last activity soon on last activities done once everyone is done I shall post my Retrospective since I feel like my ocs got a lot from this event also scuttles to throw together some hub rps I owe--
WOOOO all my students are in their last activity!!! I'm gonna slow down for a lil while I think so I can rest a little bit and maybe jump into some e12 orps if I still have the Event 12 Bug biting me
I think I will take like a few days off from rping once all my kids are officially out of their classes.... thank you to everyone in my classes and hub rps for your patience
jk no being strong today i don't feel the desire to tag hub rps today either..... i will listen to My Body since forcing myself to rp is a fruitless endeavor
i didn't think barb would be my first oc to finish day 1 but surprise!!!
i'll probs be slow tomorrow tho so i'll hold off on making too many plans until i'm back
+April 28th+
woah........... all my ocs are in a class....... CRACKS KNUCKLES here i go
Final Update, May 14
once everyone is done I shall post my Retrospective since I feel like my ocs got a lot from this event
also scuttles to throw together some hub rps I owe--