ғᴀᴅᴇ ʀɪғᴛ ᴍᴏᴅs
ACTIVITY CHECK, using our new system! Deadline to respond is April 7.
ғᴀᴅᴇ ʀɪғᴛ ᴍᴏᴅs
frantic banjos
Honestly shocked we managed to get this done to post more or less on time for a, change, it's a bit of a beast.
frantic banjos
(but not in a bad way! just a lot of words)
Aelwyn Abernant
Holy shit I love these changes, I LOVE the recap
kinda want to app Paul now
frantic banjos
I guess I'd have to app Joe then
gayest uncle
this is probably something that's going to get covered in the spreadsheet happening later, but if anyone has any word counter tools they like in the interim (especially if they're mobile friendly 👀), hmu
Aelwyn Abernant
lmao abby
gayest uncle
Aelwyn Abernant
You're so helpful
Aelwyn Abernant
Perhaps excessively so
gayest uncle
this is selfishly motivated from me trying to avoid copy pasting each tag on mobile into
WordCounter - Count Words & Correct Writing
gayest uncle
a cursed bird.
help those of us who hate math
Aelwyn Abernant
Aelwyn Abernant
I think they link in the post to a thing that will help with word counts
frantic banjos
yeah, we've got some suggested tools in there! if you read all the way through there's a link
frantic banjos
(sorry on my phone so can't share easily)
a cursed bird.
i don't see it but i'll look again
Aelwyn Abernant
Very bottom of the post! The one with more examples
a ghost
gayest uncle
gayest uncle
weeping real tears
frantic banjos
cackling in my kitchen
I'm so ashamed at how hard I fell for this
gayest uncle
I can't believe this
frantic banjos
charlie i cannot believe how nicely you questioned this absolute insanity
I hope you know that us people in office jobs get actual shit like this every day and
just have to deal with it
So I took this like a letter from HR like
I was telling Cass like oh my god they're being so nice to us
how are they not just asking if we've lost our minds
frantic banjos
I'm so proud
gayest uncle
I was laying here trying to figure out how to politely draft my What The Fuck You Lunatics comment
Aelwyn Abernant
My absolute cold sweat as I genuinely tried to figure out how I could ensure higher engagement levels from my war table plots
gayest uncle
frantic banjos
well we would of course have worked with you to brainstorm methods to raise those metrics
Aelwyn Abernant
Meanest to the div heads when we have been nothing but sweet to you
Me like I thought... surely
Aelwyn Abernant
lmao jesus cass you sound like a team lead at work
I must have made a mistake
frantic banjos
my job involves reading a lot of business emails
Aelwyn Abernant
frantic banjos
also i'm a monster
Aelwyn Abernant
You rp a business tyrant very well
Aelwyn Abernant
Extremely ic
You are and you got me so thorough I'm like I'ma have to drop
frantic banjos
I was wondering if we'd get any spontaneous drops we'd have to run after
frantic banjos
but it mostly punishes people who don't read thoroughly and click our links as directed, so
Aelwyn Abernant
7500 was a great number too because like it's high enough to be unattainable but not so high that it sounds unreasonable before you think about it too long
gayest uncle
me and u, charlie. I can't believe the one time in my life my eyeballs glazed over reading all the way to the end of a post like a good person who gets an a+ in rp which is a normal and achievable thing and this is my clownery reward
frantic banjos
it sounds like we wanted to say 10,000 but then were like no that's too high let's think this through
Aelwyn Abernant
I can't believe that you guys forgot that today is international mjemote day
gayest uncle : clasps hands in solidarity we both were punked SO thoroughly
frantic banjos
helpful that this is also really the day we need to post this actual thing we are really doing and had warned of in advance
Aelwyn Abernant
Also how wholesome is it that people are immediately like "OKAY LET'S GET SOME TOOLS TOGETHER"
frantic banjos
it was mj's idea, but then she forgot about it until she read the half of the draft i wrote at 2am last night
The brilliance of it setting in like okay let's take a room temp of how many words this is
yeah I was like "we should do this!" months ago and then Cass linked me the fake one and I fully believed she meant it
while me slowly breaking out in a cold sweat as I put my entire thread into this word counter piece by piece
Aelwyn Abernant
Aelwyn Abernant
So mj also got punk'd
frantic banjos
unintentionally but yes
a ghost
over here like "this amount of words probably seems normal to them because they are lawyers"
a ghost
like the post length, not just the count
frantic banjos
well, yes
Aelwyn Abernant
The worst part is I did click the links
frantic banjos
we do often write posts this long
and then it looked like the same post
so I thought that it was an oversight
frantic banjos
and ignored it in good faith like surely---
frantic banjos
sorry maybe we should tweak it to be more obviously different
Aelwyn Abernant
just the brilliance of
Aelwyn Abernant
>(Pro tip: not all three-month periods work out to 90 days! Keep an eye on that later in the year.)
the layers of this
frantic banjos
this born of me mathladying over 90x4=360 and looking it up
when you give an attorney a google doc
frantic banjos
did eppy find the link is she ok
gayest uncle
i think my eyes glazed over when you used the triangle sign for delta
I just put (REAL ONE) in the title of the real one so hopefully that will help
frantic banjos
gayest uncle thank you for noticing
frantic banjos
i had to do some damages estimates this week and write them up and talk about deltas so i was like ooh better work that in
gayest uncle
(she did I've talked her off the ledge)
oh my god EPPY
frantic banjos
i'm not sorry but i do thank you all for taking psychic damage for our entertainment this lovely saturday
face craving
im looking forward to the real ROI calculator you introduce for linking ac rewards to player performance w a base % count for kirkwalls inflation
gayest uncle
frantic banjos
face craving what a great idea, maybe we could develop similar functionality on that basis to link real-time influence measures like reputational ranking among npcs to resource levels in order to capture and concretize ic public relations wins and incentivize diplomatic approaches
Cass I do think we need to be worried that people believed we would do this to them.
What does that say about us.
frantic banjos
yeah I am slightly concerned by that
gayest uncle
frantic banjos
yeah definitely just a statement about rp culture and not us
frantic banjos
nothing about us at all
gayest uncle
it's the ten years of historical trauma ok
frantic banjos
before you joined fade rift, you mean
frantic banjos
the ten years before the five years of us
gayest uncle
I just realized how long I've been in fade rift and took additional psychic damage, but YES. BEFORE FADE RIFT.
renewed lols
Aelwyn Abernant
And the timing really was perfect
Aelwyn Abernant
That we knew it was supposed to be coming
yes realizing we'd accidentally scheduled the change for April 1 and could do this was my only significant contribution
gayest uncle
this is what I personally deserve for all the joke apps I've made you both read
cami but scary
I would have just done this for a year without noticing
i was sweating ngl
hopefully everyone in the game sees this plurk but I put nonsense in the text boxes just in case someone tries to actually do it
cami but scary
I don’t sleep anymore I’ll believe anything
cami but scary
Anyway this is very good and thank you for it not being rea
cami but scary
and YEAH after all the joke apps this is ONLY FAIR
frantic banjos
i consider the joke apps a gift
frantic banjos
this is just my thank you note
gayest uncle
makes a small note in the margins of my next joke app
frantic banjos
can't wait to read Debbie and Hollie Lastname's recaps
cami but scary : Cami I'm thinking back to those days and being like oh yeah I would have been like "guess I'll just die"
Debbie's been busy
SO busy
frantic banjos
I hope so! Chop chop
cami but scary
my eyes glazed over so hard reading this
your commitment to the bit!! inspiring
mine too tbh, Cass wrote most of the fake parts and every time I look at it I find something new my brain just refused to process before
frantic banjos
i used a calculator several times
gayest uncle
Aelwyn Abernant
Honestly superior to any corporate April fools and most individual ones
frantic banjos
the peacock show was very good
Aelwyn Abernant
But this was perfect
frantic banjos
well, thank you. you're all very good sports
A mmmummmy
My lol, I was just like "lays down" before I read the rest of this plurk
A mmmummmy
Well done
ɪ, ᴀ ᴡᴀᴍᴘɪʏᴇ,
this was traumatic to read first thing in the morning oh my god
ɪ, ᴀ ᴡᴀᴍᴘɪʏᴇ,
me scrolling on my phone like what why is this so long
frantic banjos
we write real posts this long all the time
frantic banjos
(that we know nobody actually reads)
ɪ, ᴀ ᴡᴀᴍᴘɪʏᴇ,
i do after i skim
ɪ, ᴀ ᴡᴀᴍᴘɪʏᴇ,
what happened to me was i was like o cool and opened the plurk and saw abby talking about needing a word count tool and was like ?? and then experienced despair reading the first bit and panickily went back to this plurk to see if people were also panicking
ɪ, ᴀ ᴡᴀᴍᴘɪʏᴇ,
and fortunately got the truth. but ftr id have called it at "write as much detail as possible" bc yall would never
a ghost
hey i read all your posts too
a ghost
and appreciate how much effort you put into everything, so there!!!
ɪ, ᴀ ᴡᴀᴍᴘɪʏᴇ,
six to one
frantic banjos
i've been frozen for 33 minutes cadence
this reminds me of the April Fools of 2 years ago when my partner's work (engineering firm) let everyone know that they were going to start drug testing for weed
even though it's legal in Colorado
because it was federally illegal and they do some contracts with the government
everyone was like
heh heh you all spared me the alarm cuz when im sleepily looking at plurk in the morning i never click mod posts until im at my computer with caffeine
i just watched the plurk happen until it started making sense
ɪ, ᴀ ᴡᴀᴍᴘɪʏᴇ,
now that i have caffeine im enjoying this reading
ɪ, ᴀ ᴡᴀᴍᴘɪʏᴇ,
We'll need both players to include the same information in their reports so that we can ensure consistency and consent. So, for instance, if Paul's report says "Paul has continued to avoid Joe since their fight," Joe's report should also say "Joe has continued to be avoided by Paul since their fight."
ɪ, ᴀ ᴡᴀᴍᴘɪʏᴇ,
A mmmummmy
Also I missed if someone commented on it, but the icon with a mustache was a fun touch
it was a late addition so the first few people who clicked wouldn't have seen it
but thank you
frantic banjos
yes I love the mustache mj placed it perfectly
cami but scary
ahahahaha I didn’t notice that
oh my GOD the way i ALSO FELL FOR THIS
i was standing on a subway platform reading it on my phone, feeling my blood run cold and already pondering how to overhaul my AC spreadsheet to include wordcounts
while also thinking to myself, “but the mods are usually so chill?? why is this summary so long and specific? the only recommended limit is the COMMENT CHARACTER COUNT LIMIT? comments have to be SO LONG to break the comment limit, i’m—“
congrats and kudos i cracked up
frantic banjos
ɪ, ᴀ ᴡᴀᴍᴘɪʏᴇ,
obsessed w the part where you explain that if someone takes over a week to tag you back you can deduct 2000 words off your word count
the pro-rated percentages is where i started going full mathladygif
also like, there's just enough sensible guidance in there (aka the real parts) that it SEEMED MAYBE ALMOST PLAUSIBLE
i'm still deceased.
frantic banjos
ɪ, ᴀ ᴡᴀᴍᴘɪʏᴇ, : it seemed only fair
ɪ, ᴀ ᴡᴀᴍᴘɪʏᴇ,
very good strategy to encourage rp
when you find out just how much of your playerbase has dealt with Bullshit in the past
frantic banjos
I think it's very funny that nobody considered the fact that neither of us would ever be able to fulfill these requirements ourselves
i want to believe i would have but i cannot be sure
frantic banjos
the word counts are insane, as it turns out
ɪ, ᴀ ᴡᴀᴍᴘɪʏᴇ,
theres no way anyone is writing 7500 words in a thread
i think 10-15 years ago none of us would have fallen for this but now we're all in our thirties and have bureaucracy ptsd
frantic banjos
I hadn't really measured but Charlie's example shows
ɪ, ᴀ ᴡᴀᴍᴘɪʏᴇ,
but it sounds plausible on first blush until you actually conceptualise how many words that is
gayest uncle
I fully had started word counting a thread and was like ?????????? what ?????????
frantic banjos : ngl that was what I was subtly trying to express, like
I am CLEARLY making a mistake if these are the requirements because um
yeah you were so nice about it
Aelwyn Abernant
The only person who'd actually make AC would be gayest uncle
Aelwyn Abernant
But even for her it'd take like 5, maybe even 6 tags tags
frantic banjos
gayest uncle
oh my god don't look at me
gayest uncle
I used to play people who said NOTHING, EVER
frantic banjos
I bet you still wrote plenty of words about that though
gayest uncle
face craving
looks directly at your max
cami but scary
even on the real post I have to say there is Excessive wagon wheel saturation
cami but scary
I wanted to see the video about paul's fight with joe and all I got was darius rucker
i just reread the post and noticed this detail for the first time:
"(This calculation should include the day on which your app was accepted if the app was accepted before 2pm ET, and not include it if you were accepted after 2:01 pm ET.)"
absolutely wheezing. work of art
frantic banjos
tsking at myself for drafting that to leave out folks approved at 2:01 pm ET exactly
frantic banjos
but there's no such thing as too much wagon wheel
cami but scary
god lmao