Marketplace emails give me PTSD. A review! is it a nice one from a nice customer? Nah, it’s probably someone who didn’t read any part of the ad, title, or description, or someone that doesn’t understand how to even use their mesh body or head. ‘Cos that’s MY fault. (eyeroll)
i don't even bother reading them anymore
I get so much nice feedback online from folks and it’s lovely but like, one person pissed off and one-starring over something that’s totally not a product defect just ruins my day. I can’t find it but there was a webcomic that really captured this...
Mmw Strangelove
I left a bad review a while back, my first one in like a decade. It was a legit complaint, but afterwards I just felt bad and deleted it. Like, the realization struck that I probably ruined someone's day and over what? Like a dollar? It's stupid. No more of that.
I give you shiny reviews lol
Clara 🦄
I need to spam out some positive reviews.
Clara 🦄
only time I leave a bad one is if there's a permissions lie or something missing from the box and I never hear back from the merchant.
I don’t think anyone I follow on plurk is a culprit of this kind of thing lol. Y’all 1) read and 2) are seasoned SLers.