https://images.plurk.com/2t1d0hCYrUfxOTJ8HYaCOy.png https://images.plurk.com/B04cKhwhyCdWXqkWMSn29.png
搶劫案如三餐的美國紐約市,治安不斷惡化,如同經濟崩垮在貪汙腐敗又奸詐虛偽的喬拜登管理下。民主黨統治的紐約市,平均每天發生三件到五件搶劫,紐約市地下鐵,停車場幾乎是搶劫案熱區。這兩天,非洲裔嫌犯跟隨被害者搭地下鐵,在Chambers St subway station往北行的J線列車,拿刀子架在被害男子的脖子,搶走他的相機
The 8th subway murder this year shows NYC's public safety in deep decline
The eighth subway murder this year shows NYC's publi...
Weekend horrors show NYC must have new crime policy
Weekend horrors show NYC must have new crime policy

Chilling video shows thief pin woman in subway turnstile, snatch her wallet
Thief pins NYC straphanger inside turnstile, grabs w...

NYC subway crime is soaring because we no longer prevent it
NYC subway crime is soaring because we no longer pre...
Homeless man found bloodied and hiding under bed after killing woman: sources
Assamad Nash charged in NYC murder of Christina Yuna...

Woman beaten, dragged in robbery attempt at NYC subway station
Woman beaten, dragged in NYC subway station robbery ...

NYC is on the brink — here's what a new mayor can do to save it
NYC is on the brink — here's what a new mayor can do...
NYC subway thefts soar almost 90 percent as suspected serial pickpocket goes free
NYC subway thefts soar as suspected serial pickpocke...